Thursday, March 5, 2015

US froze $ 640 million in bank accounts “Russia” and SPM – Interfax



Moscow. March 6. INTERFAX.RU – US authorities froze the funds of the banks “Russia” and SMEs who have fallen under US sanctions, for a total of $ 640 million, according to The Wall Street Journal citing data from the Ministry of Finance.

In particular, the accounts of the bank “Russia”, including its subsidiaries, is blocked $ 572 million, which at the current exchange rate is equivalent to about 10% of total assets in 2013, the newspaper .

The principal amount of the bank “Russia” – more than $ 435 million – was placed at the same time in the company of Computershare, which is engaged in the business registrar, including the management of dividend payments. According to experts, in this case it may be frozen on the cost of the securities instead of cash. Was frozen bank account “Russia” in JP Morgan Chase, which is $ 73 million.

To blocking were also subjected to SMP Bank accounts in different US financial institutions, including Citibank, Deutsche Bank, MasterCard, at least $ 65 million. The representative of the SMP Bank told the newspaper that the accounts frozen in US funds are insignificant and their sum is less than indicated in the documents of US Treasury $ 65 million.

In addition to banks, Citibank froze on four accounts of nearly $ 10 million, owned by Instrument Design Bureau, which is part of defense NGO “Precision complexes”.

The Ministry of Finance does not disclose information about the frozen accounts of individuals who have fallen under sanctions.

In the US sanctions list (OFAC SDN List – List of Specially Designated Nationals and prohibited persons) were in 2014 two Russian banks: AB “Russia” Yuri Kovalchuk and partners SMP Bank Rotenberg brothers.


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