Monday, March 16, 2015

The Ministry of Transport is going to lift the ban on the use of mobile in the plane – Century – Daily Newspaper

Posted 17/03/2015 00:14. Edited 17.03.2015 00:55

Earlier section

In his address to the Ministry of Transport “Transaero” indicates that the European Aviation Safety Agency and the Federal Aviation Administration conducted a study that proved that mobile devices can not affect the airplane instruments. In this regard, the carrier asks the agency to lift the ban on their use during takeoff and landing aviasudna, which was introduced ten years ago, writes “Kommersant”. Also states that the Ministry of Justice airline pointed out that the order of the Department of Air Transport Ministry of Transport, which restricts the use of electronic devices on board and did not submit to the state registration, which means – it actually has no legal force.

In Europe, the ban was lifted in the fall of last year, in the US it is still valid, but the North American airlines have the right to determine whether you can use the on-board mobile device if the mobile operator is approved. In this regard, “Transaero” asked to cancel the ban outdated because it does not affect the safety of operations, told Tass its CEO Dmitry Stolyarov.

In the Transport Ministry news agency reported that the airline received treatment and is now developing an order to repeal the ban.

The analyst of their “Finam” Timur Nigmatullin commented on the initiative of airlines, arguing that it will positively affect the air business. According to the expert, the lifting of the ban does not affect the performance of the plane’s instruments, and this is confirmed by many studies, but it can improve the psychological comfort of air travel, especially for those who are experiencing stress during takeoff and landing. In addition, Nigmatullin noted that the use of Wi-Fi on board an aircraft of a major Russian airline passengers cost is very expensive, sometimes reaching up to $ 30 per flight, and in the case of lifting the ban they will be able to use the internet, provided by mobile operators, thereby saving on it. At the same time, the general director of “Airport” Victor Gorbachev in the air, “Kommersant FM» said the lifting of the ban should be discussed at the state level and after the conclusion of Institute Research Institute “Air Navigation».


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