Monday, March 16, 2015

The fall of the economy allowed the government to save the May decrees – RBC

Cut off 153 billion

According to the draft amendments to the federal budget for 2015, introduced yesterday in the State Duma, the reduction shall be 152.9 billion rubles. the costs of implementing the May presidential decrees provided by the current budget. This is more than 20% of the originally budgeted amount of 738.5 billion rubles. and twice the average 10 percent reduction in costs.

In 2012, immediately after the election, Vladimir Putin summed up his campaign promises in 11 decrees. Reduction will affect eight of them (see. Incision). Almost half (48%) reduced allocations to the Federal Road Fund. Severely cut back subsidies to the regions for payments in connection with the birth of her third child (45%), to increase the wages of state employees (25%) and rapid socio-economic development of Siberia and the Far East (29%).

from materials to the Ministry of Finance of the draft budget, it follows that the presidential decrees will not cut spending to increase salaries in education and resettlement of people from emergency housing. Also saved costs to increase military pensioners pensions by 2% above inflation and the development of culture. However, in 2015, spending on culture most burdensome – only 1.7 billion rubles.

Changing the financing does not mean a change targets decrees, said a representative of the Ministry of Finance. According to him, the decision makes it possible to save on the upcoming 10-percent reduction of civil servants and revision of the average growth rate of wages in the public sector. This was possible due to a slowdown in wage growth in the economy and increase the salaries of early regional authorities in the past. Reductions were made on the general principles of optimization of budget expenditures, said the official.

The cost regions for orders depend on the “road maps”, which set annual targets for public sector wages. Performance this year reduced application rate burden on the region declined, says the deputy director of the direction of public finances S & amp; P Karen Vartapetov.

The main costs for the implementation decrees are regional budgets. Amount of social obligations proportional growth of the economy, now it is down, says the governor of Tambov region Oleg Betin. According to him, last year, the region’s economy grew only 2.3%, the calculations show that the money should be enough.

threw 160 billion

More in December 2013 in terms of relative economic stability in the Kremlin was accused of failure to comply with the governors of the targets on the decrees, and those in response to complaints about the lack of resources. State Council on the implementation of Decree of President Vladimir Putin pointed out that at the end of 2013 will reach only one indicator – increase teachers’ salaries.

At the end of 2014 the public summarizing the performance of the May decree was not. At the last meeting of the State Council of 24 February 2015 it was already about anti-crisis rescue regions themselves. In the government’s anti-crisis plan has been made available (in their budgets for 150 billion rubles.) Budgetary credits region of 160 billion rubles. The money will be provided to the crisis regional programs, spending limits which are less stringent than for the May decrees.

The governors do not mind. According to the results of the State Council was formed by the President of the Government a list of instructions, almost all regions of the requests it addresses and worry absolutely not worth it, says Kaluga Region Governor Anatoly Artamonov: “All they asked and agreed».

According to Betina , low cost loans will help reduce the load only partially: the amount will be enough to pay off about half of current liabilities regions. Other entities must seek themselves. Have to resort to commercial loans, says the head of the field.

«May decrees – not only about” social “, and cut the costs of public administration reform and foreign policy activity”, – says the director of the regional ratings and infrastructure projects agency “Rus-Rating” Anton Tabah. But, according to him, the expansion of credit will spend just on social obligations. Regions of the money will not suffice, as the implementation of the budget for the federal center will have direct surplus for loans and grants, and in the end – on social, argues economist.

The cost of decrees while only reduces the federal budget, but for him, likely to follow and regions does not exclude Vartapetov.

President’s press secretary Dmitry Peskov said that he could not provide you with comments. The guide ONF, who in his activity was based on the May decrees Putin and consistently engaged in their monitoring, declined to comment.

It is unlikely that the government has prepared such an amendment without consulting her pre properly with all the key players, says analyst , a member of the supreme council of “United Russia” Dmitry Orlov. Authority must respond to the challenges of the crisis and to adjust the budget, but to optimize the resources and budget to maintain the overall vector of social policy, he said.

As the economic slowdown affected the performance of May decrees

December 2013

Economic Development Minister Alexei Ulyukayev questioned the feasibility May decrees due to the recession began. He suggested that the long-term forecast of GDP growth will be at 5,3% , the government believes, and 2,5% .

A few days later President Vladimir Putin said that the decrees is possible to perform despite reduce economic growth. Decrees – is “not just some papers that were prepared during the election campaign – that is what is long overdue to address,” Interfax quoted him.

April 2014

According to the Government, as of April 30, executed and removed from the control of 121 Order ; consideration in the presidential administration are performance reports 17 Letters; 97 is on the execution of orders.


Putin, speaking at a meeting of the Presidential Commission on monitoring achievement of the targets of socio-economic development of Russia, said that the slowdown – not a reason to change the priorities for the implementation of the May decrees. “Recently, we have slowed the pace of economic growth, but that is no reason to change priorities, and, on the contrary – to look at them more closely, to determine more precisely our problem”, – quotes him RIA “Novosti».

«As a basic tool implementation decrees of May the government uses the state program. The other day they were approved. I beg to report today, as they take into account and reflect the tasks specified in the decree as far as they are financially secured, formed if the necessary regulatory framework “, – said the president.


Finance Minister Anton Siluanov admitted that the rate of growth of public sector wages can be “slowed down a little.” He was the first who announced the possibility of suspending the execution of decrees.


November 18 on “Action Forum”, the first vice-president of “Support of Russia” and co-chairman of the central headquarters of the ONF Brechalov Alexander said that the 80% May decrees have not been met. According to him, the specialists of the organization received 131 report and noted fully implemented only 26 reports. “The rest of the 105 – 80% of all orders – we were advised not to take a control, since the work on these assignments require higher quality,” – he explained.

«Throughout the year, our experts and activists working and monitor the implementation of the May decrees. Unfortunately, many orders have not been fulfilled, and some executed formally – only on paper “- complained, in turn, co-chairman of the central headquarters of the ONF Stanislav Govorukhin.

Attending the forum President demanded that planted in the decrees of the program of action was carried out without reference to the circumstances and called on activists to follow up on the ONF decrees, Interfax reports.


By the end of the Accounting Chamber noted that in 2015 the regions and the ministry will face a significant reduction in federal subsidies for the May decrees, because of what they have already begun to search for other sources of revenue.


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