Monday, March 2, 2015

The Government has approved the investment project passport CRR – RBC

The Government has approved the investment project passport CRR – RBC

The government approved the passport of the investment project “Central Ring Road (Moscow Region).” His plan to implement in the state program “Development of transport system”, said in a memorandum to the document.

The project should be completed in 2018. For its implementation must also attract 155 billion rubles, including co-financing from the fund – 150 billion rubles. The total cost of construction of a highway will be about 300 billion rubles.

«Ring Road Project objectives – the creation of conditions for the formation of modern transport infrastructure that is integrated into a network of international transport corridors, the realization of the transit potential of Russia, providing service traffic flows outside the central part of Moscow transport hub and reducing congestion related thereto road network “, – explained in the Cabinet.

The government instructed the Ministry of Finance to provide co-financing from the Fund of the project in terms of construction CRR launch complexes.

Construction of Ring Road is one of the priorities of the transport strategy of the Russian Federation until 2030, and the Federal Target Program “Development of Transport System of Russia (2010-2020)” and the program of activities of the state company “Russian Roads” in the long term (2010-2020).

In January 2015, “Vedomosti” wrote that the construction of half of the Central Ring Road was called into question because of problems with financing, and competition has not yet played out sections of the road may be delayed.

CRR – federal highway, which will encircle Moscow on the territory of the Moscow region. The total length of the Ring Road will be about 520 km. The road will be bypassing the large settlements.

The winner of the competition for the construction of section 1 was “Stroygazkonsalting”, the company has already started to work. The contract for the construction of section 5 was won by SARK, 25% of which is owned by “Stroytransgaz” Gennady Timchenko.


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