Monday, March 2, 2015

EU, Russia and Ukraine have not decided on the supply of gas in the Donbass – need separate negotiations – Rosbalt.RU

EU, Russia and Ukraine have not decided on the supply of gas in the Donbass – need separate negotiations – Rosbalt.RU

BRUSSELS, March 2. Following the results of the tripartite talks on gas Russia, Ukraine and the European Commission have not signed any documents, because it is not needed. This was after the meeting said the head of the Ministry of Energy Alexander Novak.

“We have discussed three issues. We did not sign any papers today, because there is no such expediency. We are today an agreement that had been in October 2014 and has not been canceled, they are valid until the end of March, “- said Novak.

Ukraine in March must buy from Russia from one to two billion cubic meters of gas, the head of the Ministry of Energy. “One-two billion based on the temperature conditions and needs of the economy” – to assess the needs of Kiev Novak, PRIME.

The new trilateral meeting on Gas will be held in late March, said Novak. It will discuss issues relating to gas supplies to Ukraine in the summer. In turn sovyu Energy Minister Volodymyr Demchishin after talks said that “critical need” for Ukraine in the early achievement of the gas agreements are not. “We are now in a strong position. The volume of gas supplies from Europe we have sufficient consumption falls sharply,” – said Demchishin.

Following the talks in Brussels, it was confirmed that “Naftogaz of Ukraine” (NAK) pay “Gazprom” only those quantities of natural gas, which are delivered via state holding agreed with receiving points. “The parties have confirmed that, for purposes of calculations on winter package will be used only those volumes of gas to be supplied through the gas collection points, agreed with TSDD PJSC” Ukrtransgaz “- said in a press release from the NAC.

Representatives of Ukraine The EU and Russia in the framework of the meeting also assessed the implementation of agreements on Russian gas supplies to Ukrainian consumers in the winter. “Naftogaz of Ukraine” presented the evidence of its breach of the winter package by the Russian side, the report says. The two sides also discussed the situation with gas supply “occupied areas “Donetsk and Lugansk regions of Ukraine, the press service.

Permanent Representative of Russia to the EU Vladimir Chizhov on the latter issue, told reporters that the composition of the tripartite working group to discuss gas supplies to the DNI and LC ministerial talks discussed but is not defined.

“Terms not,” – said Chizhov the question determined whether the timing of the negotiations in the framework of the tripartite working group on gas supplies to the region.

In turn, Alexander Novak reported that Russian gas supplies in the Donbass are factored out of the winter gas package and will be the subject of separate negotiations. “Gazprom” from February 19 to put the self-proclaimed “People’s Republic” of 100 million cubic meters. meters of gas, said Novak.

European Commission delegation was headed by Vice-President of the European Commission for Energy Maroš Šefčovič. Ukrainian side presented the Minister of Energy and Coal Industry Vladimir Demchishin and head of the Board of “Naftogaz of Ukraine” Andrew Kobolev. On the part of the Russian Federation took part Energy Minister Alexander Novak.


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