Thursday, March 5, 2015

Semester with sequestration – Kommersant

More than 40 Russian universities, including Moscow State University and the Higher School of Economics, from the beginning of the year delay scholarships – reported by “Kommersant” Ombudsman for students Artem chrome. In some cases, representatives of the university administration asked the students “be patient, as the money went to more important things for the country.” In some universities, “Kommersant” confirmed that failure to benefit really were. The government argued that it is not going to reduce the volume of the scholarship fund, and the Ministry of Education has promised to inspect all allegations of students.

As the “Y” Student Ombudsman Artyom Khromov, first complaints on delay of scholarships began to arrive at its hotline in late January. At the same time reports of non-payment of money appeared in social networks. “By the end of February we have checked this information and found that a significant number of students in 2015 for two months did not receive a scholarship, and universities can not say when the money will come,” – said “Kommersant” Mr. chrome. The list of defaulters, who prepared the Ombudsman, listed more than 40 universities from across the country, including Moscow State University, Higher School of Economics, Russian State Social University, Southern Federal University, and others.

The law “On Education “provides for several types of scholarships, money for their college receives payment from the federal budget. For each category, the government sets the minimum financial standard – less than this amount, the institution is not entitled to pay, but it can add to it the means (or the remnants of the state, if the students during the school year will be deprived of the right to a scholarship). Academic scholarship (1340 rub. Per month) get all the students who are studying for the budget bill in full-time, closed the session without triples and do not have “tails.” Social Scholarship (2010 rub.) Is assigned to students, orphans, the disabled, the former contract servicemen, war veterans, as well as students who are in difficult financial circumstances. In addition, there is an increased stipend, which are issued for academic achievement – its size and the recipient institution sets its own after consultation with the student union.

According to Mr. Hromova, students complain about the delay all kinds of scholarships. “It is particularly troubling that delayed social scholarships that institution is obliged to pay on a monthly basis, – said ombudsmen.- For its recipients, especially in regional universities, the payment is of the utmost importance: the students actually live on the money, other sources of income they have.”

In the press service of the Lomonosov Moscow State University yesterday could not comment on the statements of students, saying only that the university “dealt with the situation.” In the Higher School of Economics confirmed the non-payment of scholarships “for a number of departments.” As reported by “Kommersant” director to work with students and graduates of the university Tatiana Dubov, at the beginning of the year the university moved to a new procedure for calculating the scholarships, which is why there was a technical delay. However, she clarified that the budget money for academic and social scholarships to high school has not yet received.

Students BSPU name Akmulla (Ufa) reported “Kommersant” that have not yet received the January social grants. In the rector of the university, according to them, the non-payment explain that “Moscow is not transferred the money.” Rector Rail Asadullin in an interview with “Kommersant” described it as “technical issue” which concerns only part of the students. However, the deputy head of the trade union BSPU Vildan Trubkulov confirmed the non-payment. “The money comes from the federal budget to the treasury of the university. This year the money came without division into types of scholarships and a la carte, the university will gradually be funded during the year “, – said the trade union committee. “Our country is at a stage of transformation, if you follow the news. Money directed to more important affairs of the country. The leader of the country will not forget about you, dear students, be patient “, – says Mr. Trubkulov calling students” not to succumb to provocations on the Internet and the media that everything is bad in the country ».

Assistant Deputy Prime Minister for Social Affairs Olga Golodets Alexei Levchenko said,” Kommersant “that” reconsider funding the scholarship fund, no one is going, it is a priority for the state and no cuts would not be here. ” Mr. Levchenko said that the budget has already allocated the necessary funds for 2015.

In February 2014, students also complained of massive delays scholarships – then Ministry of Education pleaded guilty, Minister Dmitry Livanov fired the director of the department of the budget process, accounting and reporting Ministry of Education Alexander Volodin. Now, however, the agency states that “provide fellowship first quarter of 2015 was brought in the prescribed manner and in full in the period from 19 to 29 January.” The ministry told “Kommersant” that soon will check all complaints of students.

Alexander Chernykh

Why is the Ministry of Education reduces program” Global Education “

Government Program” Global Education “, which was launched earlier this year, suffered serious cuts. It was assumed that the state will pay 1.5 thousand. Students study at foreign universities, and those after the release back into the country and worked for several years at the domestic enterprises. Now the Ministry of Education proposes to halve the number of students to raise the remaining amount of the grant, which is provided in the currency. As reported by “b” in the government, it is the most compromise option – the program was supposed to close at all. Read more


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