Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Rosselkhoznadzor: Hungary, Greece and Cyprus could become suppliers of the products after the audit inspectors Russia – Rosbalt.RU

MOSCOW, March 17. After the abolition of the food embargo on the Russian market may return the first suppliers of products from Hungary, Greece and Cyprus. This was told the head of the Rosselkhoznadzor Sergey Dankvert.

“We are now discussing the possibility of sending in Hungary, Greece and Cyprus inspectors to audit our suppliers to ensure that after the lifting of sanctions they can respond immediately to export their products,” – “Interfax” Dankvert.

According to him, after the abolition of restrictions on the importation of food Rosselkhoznadzor will allow delivery only those businesses that are checked by experts of the Eurasian Union. This is associated with a long term lack of supply, he said.

“I think that the inspectors will be able to go to these countries in two weeks or three, as we agree with his colleagues,” – said the head of the Rosselkhoznadzor.

In January, the discontent of the Baltic countries and Poland caused a letter to the head of the General Directorate of the European Commission Ladislav Miko, Head of Rosselkhoznadzor Sergey Dankvert, in which, according to the Lithuanian officials offered to resume the supply of individual EU countries in Russia after the abolition of the Russian embargo of food.

Last week, Agriculture Minister Nikolai Fyodorov said that the embargo may be canceled in respect of Greece, Hungary and Cyprus.

“We are actively exploring what opportunities exist civilized positive response to their proposals,” – quoted Fedorov “Interfax”. The minister said that “undesirable to create problems in relations with Brussels” to these countries.

In turn, the Minister of Economic Development Alexei Ulyukayev said that there is a verbal order to study the possibility of lifting the embargo against Hungary and Greece.

Introduced in August last year, the Russian government embargo on the import of products from Europe eliminates import to the Russian territory of agricultural products, raw materials and food.

During this time, according to monitoring the Ministry of Agriculture, more all rose beef and cheese. According to the February 18, with respect to the base price (August 11, 2014) beef has risen by 11.2%, chicken – by 6.2%, pork – by 2.4%. In January, the effect of the food embargo increased 1.5 times compared to December due to seasonal factors, making the January inflation 2-2.1 percentage points.


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