Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Riots in Kostyantynivka – RIA Novosti


The fact that a user logs into the service RIA Club on RIA Novosti websites and authorization group of companies “RIA Novosti” with the account or user accounts on social networks indicates acceptance of these rules.

The user is obliged not to violate the laws of the Russian Federation.

The User is obliged to be respectful of other commenters, readers and individuals referenced in the items.

publishes comments only in the languages, in which the main content of the material, by which the user places a comment.

Online group of companies “RIA Novosti” can be editing comments, including preliminary. This means that the moderator checks the comments to these rules after a comment has been published by the author and was made available to other users, as well as before the comment was made available to other users.

User comment will be deleted if it is :

  • does not correspond to the subject page;
  • promotes hatred and discrimination on racial, ethnic, sexual, religious, social discrimination, prejudice the rights of minorities;
  • violates the rights of minors, causing them harm in any form;
  • contains the ideas of extremist and terrorist nature, calls for violent change of the constitutional system of the Russian Federation;
  • contains insults or threats to other users, specific individuals or organizations, defamatory or business reputation;
  • contains insults or messages expressing disrespect to the RIA Novosti news agency or its employees;
  • violates the privacy, spreads personal data of third parties without their consent, discloses the privacy of correspondence;
  • contains links to scenes of violence, cruelty to animals;
  • contains information about the methods of suicide, incites to commit suicide;
  • pursues commercial goals or contains inappropriate advertising, illegal political advertising or links to other webpages containing similar information;
  • is obscene or contains foul language and its derivatives, and also hints at the usage of lexical items falling within this definition;
  • contains spam advertising spamming, mass mailing services and resources for earning online;
  • promotes the use of narcotic / psychotropic medications, provides information about their manufacture and use;
  • contains links to viruses and malicious software;
  • is part of the action when a lot of comments with the same or similar content (“flash mob”);
  • The author is abusing writing a large number of incoherent or irrelevant messages or meaning of the text is difficult or impossible to capture (“flood»);
  • The author breaks netiquette, showing the form of aggressive, humiliating and abusive behavior (“trolling” );
  • The author shows disrespect to the Russian language, the text is written in Russian using Latin, entirely or predominantly written in capital letters or not split into proposals.

Please write competently – comments, which appears to ignore the rules and regulations of the Russian language, can be blocked regardless of content.

The Administration has the right without notice to block user access to a page in the event of systematic violations or a single gross violation of party rules on commenting .

The user can initiate the restoration of its access by writing a letter to the email address moderator@rian.ru

In the letter must specify:

  • Subject – restoration of access
  • User
  • explanation of the reasons the actions that were in violation of the above rules and resulted in a lock.

If the moderator deems it possible to recover access, it will be done.

In the case of repeated violation of the rules and re-lock the user access can not be restored, the lock in this case is complete.

To contact the team of moderators, use e-mail address moderator@rian.ru or Skype: moderatorria.


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