Monday, March 2, 2015

Putin called for increasing the number of bidders for gas exchange – Russian newspaper

Putin called for increasing the number of bidders for gas exchange – Russian newspaper

Russian President Vladimir Putin discussed with the Minister of Energy Alexander Novak situation in the industry.

“In general, the autumn-winter period is in normal mode,” – said Novak. Stocks higher standard: Coal – 180 percent, oil – 140. “In 2014, we launched 7,400 megawatts of power generating equipment – a record in recent years,” – said the Minister. In just three years introduced about 20 thousand megawatts of capacity.

“Investment how many?” – Asked Vladimir Putin.

“In general, the energy sector – 3.5 trillion rubles,” – said Novak. In the electricity sector in 2014 was invested 830 billion rubles. “Every year is invested about $ 25 billion,” – said the official. “We are in the last three years by 10 percent, in fact, update the fixed assets”, – he added. And you have to bring the old power, about 15 thousand megawatts. Some equipment has begun work before the war, the minister justified.

See also

The president warned that did not work, one that generates electrical power output, and return nothing. “There we have and new nodes appear, they are, nevertheless, that no surprises for consumers did not have” – ​​he said.

“We also plan to improve the functioning of the market, both wholesale and retail “- said Novak. In the wholesale market has reduced debt by introducing a mechanism of financial guarantees consumers who buy electricity. “Now we are working towards retail, to ensure proper pay and no delays in payment” – he said.

Because of the dry year hydroelectric production decreased by about 9 billion kilowatt-hours, require more power load power plants and the preparation of a reserve of fuel. But the energy to cope. Another year was warm – above average temperatures by 3.9 degrees: it was necessary to double the melting ice on the power lines. And about 30 percent more cleared glades to the trees did not fall.

The breakdown in the grid complex compared with last year fell by 14 percent, concluded Novak. “However, we are witnessing an increase in accidents in generating complex of seven per cent. This is mainly due to the human factor,” – he added.

The Minister also noted that his department did not actually have the authority to establish order in its accountability nepodgotovku for the autumn-winter period of energy enterprises. “We now make changes to the legislation,” – he added. Also there is no rule of technological operation of the electricity, which sets standards for reliability. The document has been developed, its market participants to discuss, though not everyone agrees – “because it sets requirements, and the requirements are known to perform and sometimes financial need,” – said Novak. But you need to take it this year. Also

Energy Ministry promises to create conditions and regulatory framework for the decommissioning of inefficient equipment.

See also:

The meeting discussed and the outcome of the FEC. Although the second half of the year was quite difficult in terms of financial resources, all tasks are performed. Produced 526.7 million tons of oil – 3.3 million tons more than in the previous year. “This is a new record post-Soviet period,” – said the Minister. The volume of investments in oil production – to 980 billion rubles. Gain – about 10 percent. Increased production of stranded. “This is the first results of changes in the tax system,” – praised the head of the Ministry of Energy. Offshore production volume increased by about 1 million tonnes.

By refining put 13 units, volume of investments – 290 billion. In recent years, 47 plants were modernized and introduced new ones. This made it possible to increase the production of gasoline fifth grade up to 65 percent. Increased and the depth of oil refining. By 2020, will be able to reach 85 percent, expects to Novak.

Because of market volatility on gas production volume was lower by 24 billion cubic meters – 642 billion. Exports amounted to 186 billion, again lower than in 2013 (was 203). “Vector of gas production in the direction of the Asia-Pacific region, the construction of gas liquefaction plants will be implemented,” – the minister said.

interesting facts

Energy Minister also said that the country has earned the gas market. Participants – “Gazprom”, “Gazprom Neft” and independent company “NOVATEK”, “LUKOIL”. Buyers – mainly power plants running on gas. “Unfortunately, the volumes are small, only 800 million cubic meters were sold on the stock exchange. However, this is only the beginning, and we will develop it” – promised the official. In accordance with the government on trade volumes of gas exchange can be up to 35 billion cubic meters.

“We must look to market functioned as they should operate the exchange, there was more to independent companies that complied with the rules of exchange trade . This is a very important thing, otherwise it can become simply a fiction. And then it is not necessary, “- said the president.

The coal industry in the past year as well developed, despite the difficulties: 60 billion investment, several new projects in the Kuzbass. Produced 356 million tons of coal, about 6 million tons more. But it is important not only to supply coal as raw material, and process it, and work in this direction is.

“Transport needed infrastructure,” – said Vladimir Putin. “Certainly, one of the tasks that lie before us, together with the Ministry of Transport to implement capacity expansion of the Baikal-Amur Railway, Trans-Siberian Railway – agreed to the source. – The task of the Ministry – the electrification of the expandable sections. To do this, we are now together with companies” FGC ” and “Rossetti” will implement this project “.

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