Sunday, March 1, 2015

Greece tries to persuade Russia to remove the fruit of the embargo – to Pravda.Ru

Greece tries to persuade Russia to remove the fruit of the embargo – to Pravda.Ru

Athens asks Moscow to cancel the embargo on certain agricultural products introduced in the summer 2014 in response to EU sanctions. This question Panagiotis Sguridis discussed with representatives of the Russian Ministry of Agriculture Alexei Alekseenko meeting in Thessaloniki in the international exhibition of food. If Russia agrees to market the country can return to the Greek oranges, strawberries and peaches.

Sguridis expressed hope that Greece will be granted the request.

In addition, Greece would like to enter the Russian market with supplies and animal reproductive material (plants and animals), reports the Athens News Agency.

Recall that after the embargo imports of fruit and vegetables from Greece to Russia fell by more than 40%.

to Pravda.Ru recalls that the European Union fear a Greek exit from the eurozone. According to experts, this may lead to a serious expansion of Russian influence in the Balkans. Leaving the eurozone, Greece may withdraw from the Schengen agreement and the European Union, and.

See also:

The sanctions – a good time to invest in Russia

David Stockman: The world economy is in the doldrums

Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung: Greece’s exit from the eurozone seriously increase the influence of Russia

Greece will be put on Russia and BRICS

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