Tuesday, September 9, 2014

The Russians were without vegetable salads from McDonald’s – NTV.ru

The Russians were without vegetable salads from McDonald's – NTV.ru

Due to the restriction on the import of agricultural products supplier vegetables Russian McDonald ?? s Company “Belaya Dacha” reviewing its supply chain of raw materials, said Itar-Tass news service restaurant chain.

From the message McDonald ?? s : «Now the quality of salad products that do not meet that suits us and our suppliers, and we have decided to bring salads from the menu until you find alternative».

The exception from the menu of vegetable dishes is not associated with Rospotrebnadzora checks, the company stressed.

Earlier, during inspections regional Rospotrebnadzor, in particular Novgorod, Yaroslavl and Volgograd regions, the Republic of Adygea, revealed in salads McDonald ?? s ?? “Vegetable” and “Caesar” ?? coliform bacteria. There were claims and to organize the process of salads at the restaurant on Pushkin Square in Moskve.Rossiya from August 7 year imposed an embargo on the import to Russia of key food groups from the United States, the EU, Australia, Canada, Norway ?? countries that previously initiated and supported sanctions against Russia because of the crisis in Ukraine. The embargo affects meat and dairy products, fish, vegetables and fruits. The Russian government suggests to replace the shortfall due to the ban amounts of food by increasing the exchange of goods with countries that do not fall under the sanctions.


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