Monday, September 29, 2014

The Moscow City Court: Ural Rakhimov kidnapped shares in the name of the father – the Russian newspaper

The Moscow City Court: Ural Rakhimov kidnapped shares in the name of the father – the Russian newspaper

Capital City Court found that the former CEO of “Bashneft” Ural Rakhimov kidnapped shares of the oil company, whose name is now on everyone’s lips. Court openly wrote what many have said, they say – “in the kitchen”, Rakhimov, Jr. led off the action “Bashneft”, using his father’s position – the former President of Bashkortostan Murtaza Rakhimov.

Recall that Last week, Attorney General’s Office has found violations of the law of the alienation of the energy companies in Bashkiria. And according to the Investigative Committee of the action “Bashneft”, were acquired by AFK “System” in 2009 lowered price. And “discount” has turned solid – half a billion dollars.

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On the theft of shares became aware of the reasoning of the court that has considered the complaint for the arrest of the shares of” Bashneft “. The court’s decision said literally the following:

“In the period from 2002 to 2006, Ural Rakhimov, together with unidentified persons through the implementation of the developed scheme of theft of shares of enterprises, the balance of which accumulated significant assets in the form of cash, using his official position father, organized theft of controlling stakes in a number of “. Then Rakhimov “provided financial transactions with the stolen property”, namely the realization of shares in favor of AFK “Sistema” and controlled corporation entities.

Recall that now shares arrested. The term of the preliminary investigation of the case is extended until October 28. To date, the criminal case initiated on the fact of theft of shares “Bashneft”, except Ural Rakhimov, the head goes AFK “Sistema” Vladimir Yevtushenko.
 The current development of the situation shows that “Bashneft”, controlled by AFK “System”, is likely to be nationalized. That such a requirement in the Moscow Arbitration Court has addressed the Prosecutor General. However, a quick decision on the request will not. After all, for an order for forfeiture is necessary criminal sentence on the theft of shares.

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By the way, the claim to the Arbitration Court Prosecutor’s Office filed in the interest of the Federal Property Agency. The so-called Interim measures taken – shares arrested. Consideration of the claim itself is scheduled for next week. Take action in favor of the State Office of Public Prosecutor may, if he proves that the property is in the current owners illegally.

Supporters and advocates AFK “System” say including the statute of limitation, which they think no one canceled. National legislation such term does exist – and it can not exceed 10 years.

The criminal case on the illegal sale of “Bashneft”, which involves Ural Rakhimov, Vladimir Yevtushenko and businessman Levon Hayrapetyan was initiated this spring. A suspected by him as deputy chairman of the board of directors are considered “System” Alexander Goncharuk and senior vice president of “The System” Sergey Drozdov. But they are not available for the investigation. One abroad rests, the other – is treated.

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Yevtushenko himself will remain under house arrest until November 16. And its corollary calls organizer of illegal sale of shares “Bashneft” in 2009. If the court agrees with the investigation, the Yevtushenkov could face up to seven years in prison.

In this criminal case the Ministry of Property and Land Relations of Bashkiria has stated a claim for damages. Sum – 209 billion rubles.

The current leadership of Bashkiria strongly supports steps prosecutors, judges and investigators. Head of Bashkortostan Rustem Khamitov called the return of the company to the state ownership of “higher justice”. According to him, “the republic with the privatization of” Bashneft “simply cheated: as a result of the privatization of the republic received nil nil cents”.


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