Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Published transcript of negotiations with the pilots of the Malaysian “Boeing” – BBC News

Published transcript of negotiations with the pilots of the Malaysian "Boeing" – BBC News

The Security Council of the Netherlands published a preliminary report on the circumstances of the collapse of the Malaysian “Boeing” over the territory of Ukraine. Also published transcript of the talks pilots with terrestrial services.

From these documents, the ship has not fallen below the maximum allowable height and did not get off the ground team to decline. Dutch experts also concluded that “Boeing” company “Malaysian Airlines” disintegrated in the air due to “structural damage”, and the first with the land faces its bow. We also learned that before the fall of the plane did not file a distress signal.

From the decryption of negotiations, it became clear that the Ukrainian managers tried in vain to find the plane when it disappeared from radar. They appealed to the airport ground services in Rostov-on-Don, also contacted the crew passing by the liner. “Nothing. We do not see anything,” – told them Rostov colleagues. The crew of another ship, which could see the board MH17, also said he did not see it.

The airliner en route from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur, on board were 298 people. All of them died. Preliminary report on the causes of the tragedy Netherlands published two months after the event. And experts believe that too much time had been lost since the collapse. In particular, it was stated by deputy head of the Federal Air Transport Agency Oleg Storchevoy.

“submission to the Commission report, obviously, has the nature of a preliminary document and is only the beginning of a long hard work,” – he said in an interview to “Russia 24″. However, with further research, he said, problems can occur. “It is impossible not to recognize that lost a lot of time and a number of data will be difficult to study,” – said Storchevoy. This also applies to the study of the remains of the victims, and to explore the wreckage. And yet, for the speedy and objective inquiry into the causes of the disaster that this work be necessary, he concluded.

Some experts believe that the time has been lost intentionally. Political scientist Oleg Matveychev in an interview with the “Voice of Russia” suggested that this waste was organized specifically – to hide certain clues.

“Nearly two months someone has been investigating and this abnormally long time suggests that people are more likely not want to open the materials for the general public and to hide something – said the expert. – I even have the impression that in this commission were just trying to put pressure on some people in order that they changed their minds, or engaged in falsification of evidence “.

The final report on the causes of the collapse of the” Boeing “The Security Council of the Netherlands promised to publish within one year after the tragedy. Data published in the preliminary report, experts advise not to take too seriously. Honored Pilot of Russia, pilot test Mikhail Markov believes that they do not deserve attention.

“The investigation of the disaster will continue for another year, applications will still be enough. I can say that the reasons for the collapse of the previously mentioned should not be taken very seriously, as it all – more or less general statements. clear that the investigation drags on, “- said in an interview with Markov Metro. According to him, from the first day after the tragedy, “it was clear that the plane was shot down someone”.


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