Sunday, September 4, 2016

Vladimir Putin announced the stabilization of the Russian economy – Ekho Moskvy radio station

vypej_piva_festival September 4, 2016 | 18:03

It may have already heard, Mel Gibson is going to write the script for his next film, to be called “Resurrection.” And it will continue the story of his film The Passion of the Christ. This fact seemed to me very strange and there was my question is: well, why the hell he wanted to shoot a sequel? What kind of masochism? Why this? as they say in California.

Scratching turnips, I have compiled here a list of possible reasons:

a) pure commerce. The first film was a success, and then the second will

b) pure inspiration. He developed a really good idea for this film

in) pure impulses. Everywhere he hears moans. People, Christians from all over the world, begging his letters show finally that happened to Jesus then. Gibson himself did not want to shoot a sequel, but feeling a great responsibility, I decided nevertheless to give up their home comfort in the name of truth

d) it regretted at the time that not starred in the first film himself in the role of Pontius Pilate. After all, for him as for a true believer, it would be something like a confession of their worldly sins. Then, afraid of failing to play as it should, while working at the site director. But now he feels ready and will play in the continuation of one of the apostles and this will be his confession. Already in 3D

d) Once again: Mel – a man of deep faith. First and foremost, he is merciless to himself, if made a mistake. And now he is somewhere in something with someone big sin. So big, that beg for forgiveness from the priest, in his opinion is not enough. It is necessary to remove the film sequel to star in it and suffer, suffer, suffer … I’m afraid the film will be tougher first (redemption)

e) he read Quo vadis? Sienkiewicz, who had only read in 12 years in Australia. And vividly recalled all his experiences from those days of suffering of the early Christians, described in the book. And he desperately wanted to remove anything on this subject, but it does not film the epic itself. Continuing its same film suggests itself. And he wants to finish it that same stage on the road, where the apostle Peter, leaving Rome raging meets Jesus, who, on the contrary, goes to Rome, carrying on his back Huge cross to on it again for everyone to die. For this scene, and Mel actually all started (sensibility)

g) once in the night, drunk, he fell from a high bridge into the thorns, and there were no witnesses. One second before awakening he saw a bright light and heard a voice, “You will live and snimesh continued.” Mel woke up, safe and sound, and knew what to do (a miracle)

And if you remember how to suffer in the filming period, James Caviezel, the unfortunate role of Jesus performer, then there are other versions, it is not so obvious as the first, but still …

g) Caviezel personally asked him to remove the sequel, accusing hundred Mel broke his life, because …

… 1) the new roles it is now no offers

… 2) it is now only offer the role of martyrs. Then it is better than the original

..3) Now in any of its new role, even a criminal, he turns Christ

h) Mel had originally planned to stay in dilogy and continuation was to follow immediately, yet there were decorations. But Caviezel was so iznurёn and injured after the first film, it was impossible. and while he was being treated, the team had to disband. And now the time has come again.

i) Caviezel wanted to become a monk-hermit and a complete break with the movie. In order to save his friend from doing so, Mel decided to write a script for it, which he certainly can not refuse.

d) not-a, Caviezel, and Mel hated each other after the first film. And especially to show how much Mel Neuvazliayev it, he decided to write a script to continue and to make a film, pointedly inviting glavrol someone rdugogo (big men – large gestures)

a) all the easier, and Caviezel at anything. We just ran out of Mel fresh ideas and he went to the second round. Then he removes Apokalipto2 itd

But if you look at the other characters from the first film, you can not help thinking that about the Virgin Mary and the Apostles all more or less clear / known, and the only character with a question mark – it is Mary Magdalene. Maybe Mel caught it for her?

l) because she gave birth to Jesus or not, I’m sorry? For the sake of the chips and the whole thing

m) does not matter, I gave birth or not really, but in his film she will give birth – to spite the Vatican, which does not like Mel (speculation)

n) will feature that Magdalene writes his Gospel (from Magdalene) – to spite the Vatican, which does not like Mel (gag)

a) stop, not in the character of the case, and actor. Melo enjoyed working with Monica Bellucci in the role (he was impressed how quickly she learned Aramaic), and he wanted to shoot it again. But as long as she refuses. So he came up with m lure her role of Mary Magdalene and the continuation of its history (professionalism)

n) actually Mel and Monica – life friends and they both wanted to work together again. But the producers will give money only if it is a continuation of “The Passion” (true friendship)

p) No, they hate each other, and only have to each other smile. One stellar get-together she touched his jokes, “Oh! A piece of chalk! What are you working? Passion-2 or a prequel about Abraham? “Mel said,” No, preprikvel, about infusoria “and decided that even laugh at it, when again will invite to the role of Mary Magdalene (revenge)

c) Mel Gibson – a womanizer in the shower. And the motives of his appropriate (womanizer)

r) Monica nothing to do, nothing to do with Mary Magdalene and Caviezel at anything. Mel just decided to someone to prove something

It is difficult, damn it. Everything is confused and covered with darkness. Well, let it, of course, they all turn and let the film will be good, even if the reasons for it seem to do the most obscene.

And what of the given reasons for me it seems more likely to you, Gregory?


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