Saturday, September 3, 2016

The government is preparing a proposal for the privatization of “Bashneft” and “Rosneft” – RIA Novosti

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VLADIVOSTOK, 3 sen -. RIA Novosti / Prime The government is preparing a proposal for the privatization of “Bashneft” and “Rosneft”, the final decision to be taken to President Vladimir Putin, first Deputy Prime Minister Igor Shuvalov

“We are offered. the amounts that at the beginning of the year we thought impossible in the implementation of those assets. We are on the right course. I hope that we will take the right decision on privatization – it is in the current environment better solution than to occupy the market. However, the final decision for the president. The Government will prepare these proposals, we will present them, “- Shuvalov said in an interview to television channel” Russia 24 “.

According to him, one of the proposals investment consultants – privatization” Bashneft “and” Rosneft “as a single project, within which the transaction to these companies a little separated in time, there is also a proposal to privatize first package of “Rosneft” (19.5%), then “Bashneft”, and vice versa.

“The forum we Asian investors talked about the possibility of participation in privatization, including our oil companies … We are here to hear what our neighbors to the east or to companies from these countries are very interested in participating in our privatizations. For us, it’s good, because it is more competition, the ability to more income (to obtain – ed.) From privatization deals, “- said Shuvalov.

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