Thursday, September 1, 2016

“Mostotrest” and 18 more Russian companies have come under US sanctions – RBC

Employees of the company” Mostotrest “, October 2009

Photo: Stanislav Krasilnikov / TASS

US extended sanctions list against Russia. In particular, the list now part of Kerch bridge construction subcontractor “Mostotrest” and “SGM-Bridge”. The sanctions list also included 17 individuals

The US Treasury Department has expanded the list of individuals and companies that have come under the sanctions after the annexation of Crimea to Russia. The announcement of this posted on the website of the US Treasury.

The American authorities have the so-called list of SDN 17 individuals, including the Crimean officials and security forces as well as members of government of self-proclaimed Donetsk and Luhansk People’s Republics. In addition, 19 Russian companies, state-owned enterprises and institutions added to the black list of the Ministry of Finance. The Company made to the SDN list, can no longer do business with the US officials, and citizens – to enter the United States. defendants in the list of assets in the United States jurisdiction to be blocked, actually getting on this list means excommunication from the US financial system and the global dollar transaction system.

In the US, the Ministry of Finance press release explains that the new sanctions are intended to prevent the circumvention of existing sanctions, to help the private sector (potential counterparties “sanctions” companies) in compliance with the sanctions regime and encourage a diplomatic solution to the conflict in Ukraine. “Russia continues to provoke instability in eastern Ukraine despite the Minsk agreement – said in a press release Acting Director of sanctions Service OFAC John Smith. – US Treasury fully shares with its partners the condemnation of Russia’s actions in violation of international law, and we will continue to impose sanctions on those who threaten the peace, security and sovereignty

Ukraine »

punished for Bridge

Most of the companies included in the blacklist – seven – are connected with the construction of a bridge across the Kerch Strait to Crimea. Another five – a military-industrial enterprises operating in the Crimea. Also in the SDN list was transport and logistics group “Sovfraht-Sovmortrans” (through “Transkapital” controlled Lucia Purim, a relative of the general director of the managing company “Sovfraht” Dmitry Purim). Associated with a group of “Koksohimtrans” operates car and passenger ferries operating on Kerch ferry.

The list in particular, included the companies “SGM-Bridge” (a subsidiary of “Stroygazmontazh” Arkady Rotenberg, the general contractor of construction of the Kerch bridge in the Crimea), its subcontractor “Mostotrest”, subordinated Rosavtodor federal state-owned institution “Uprdor” Taman “, a federal autonomous institution” Glavgosexpertiza “(considered the project documentation of the Kerch bridge), Institute Giprostroymost – St. Petersburg (did draft Kerch bridge), and and Crimean shipyards “Sea” and “The Bay”, Severodvinsk ship-repair center “Zvezdochka” (it has a branch in Sevastopol), Theodosia optical plant (produces devices for tanks and artillery systems).

«Mostotrest Group “until 2015 belonged to businessmen Arkady Rotenberg and Igor, and is now controlled by the structures Railways. The company “TFA-finance” – the structure of an affiliate of Russian Railways Pension Fund “Welfare” – now owns 94,2% “Mostotrest” shares, the rest – in the free float, according to the site of the latter. If the proportion of “TPA-finance” exceeds 95%, the company will be obliged to buy the remaining shares at the request of minority shareholders. The US Treasury on September 1 issued a so-called general license authorizing the minority “Mostotrest”, which may include Americans to sell their shares to Russian investors before October 1, 2016. According to Bloomberg, among the minority “Mostotrest» -. East Capital Asset Management, TKB BNP Paribas, RVM Capital, the US Prudential Financial

Representatives of “Stroygazmontazh” and “SGM-Most” has not yet responded to RBC requests. The representative of the customer of construction of the bridge Kerch PKU “Uprdor” Taman “did not answer the call RBC.

The list even pool and hotel

In the SDN list also He entered the company “ADB Management”, which manages stakes in the bank “Russia” (the largest shareholder – Yury Kovalchuk) and the National media group. According to the US Treasury, “the ADB Management” acting on behalf of bank “Russia”, which in the spring of 2014 became the first Russian company that has fallen under US sanctions

In addition to expanding SDN list, the US Treasury Department made in the other sanctions list. – sectoral sanctions – a few dozen subsidiaries of Bank of Moscow companies (VTB group), Gazprombank and “Gazprom”. They are subject to the same sectoral sanctions, as in the parent company (in the case of the Bank of Moscow and Gazprombank – restrictions on raising debt and equity financing in the United States, in the case of “Gazprom” – the ban on the provision of US services, delivery of US goods and technologies for oil production on the Arctic shelf, in shale formations and in the deep seabed). “Daughters” of these companies actually already under sectoral sanctions on the so-called rule of 50% of their listing makes it easier for American companies to comply with the task of the sanctions regime.

«All of the companies within the group of Gazprombank, de- facto sectoral previously under US sanctions, due to the fact that GBO has in their capital share exceeding 50%. Thus, today the US Treasury report does not change anything in the actual state of affairs, either for GBO nor mentioned enterprises “, – confirmed the press service of Gazprombank

Among the companies included in the list of sectoral sanctions, there is, for example. Austrian gas trader Centrex Gazprombank, luxurious Moscow Region “Imperial Park Hotel” (included in the group “Gazprom”), a number of regional production and transportation “daughters” of “Gazprom” holding “Gazprom-Media”, Zurich Gazprombank (Switzerland), a group of “United Heavy Machinery “Gazprombank and even of” The Seagull “(which owns eponymous Moscow pool).

Adding a subsidiary in the sanctions list means that the company will remain under sanctions, even if the pass under the investor control, not under sanctions . Thus, JSC “The Seagull” is now under sectoral sanctions, although it was sold to Bank of Moscow in April 2016, as reported by “Vedomosti”.


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