Monday, September 5, 2016

Gendir “VimpelCom”, co-owner of “Renova” and gendir “T Plus” are suspected of paying bribes – TASS

MOSCOW, September 5. / TASS /. Director General of “VimpelCom” Mikhail Slobodin, managing director of the group of companies “Renova” Eugene Olkhovik and CEO of the power PAO “T Plus” (part of the group “Renova”) Boris Vainzikher suspected of funneling multimillion bribes to former leaders of the Republic of Komi, which are themselves defendants in loud “case Gayzer”.

Bribes nearly one billion

on September 5 morning, the investigators of the Investigative Committee of Russia with the support of Federal Security Service of the Republic of Komi and the FSB Russia descended to searches in the company “Renova “in Malaya Ordynka in office” T-Plus “. As reported by TASS source in law enforcement, the company “Renova” was conducted seizure of documents and other urgent investigative actions. Later it became known that the searches are connected with the investigation of the criminal case of bribery by former and current heads of JSC “Integrated Energy Company” (IES). I told Tass the official representative of IC Vladimir Markin, a criminal case is being investigated under Part against them. 5, Art. 291 of the Criminal Code ( “Giving a bribe in a large scale”)

As a result of the searches, investigators initially questioned, and only then detained as suspects two of the three defendants in the case -. Eugene Olkhovik and Boris Vainzikher that were previously heads of ZAO “IES”, the legal successor of which was PJSC “T Plus”, a member of the group of companies “Renova”

“According to investigators, during 2007 -. 2014 persons involved, as well as other unidentified persons, acting in the interests of CJSC “IES” and its affiliated organizations, passed the highest officials of the Republic of Komi (currently being involved in the case of a criminal Gayzer) as a bribe cash and other assets to establish the most favorable tariffs for electricity and heat, as well as providing other benefits and create favorable conditions for carrying out commercial activities on the territory of the Republic of Komi “, – said Markin

He explained that the money was transferred to the accounts of the companies referred to those who took a bribe.. “The total amount listed as monetary compensation funds amounted to more than 800 million rubles,” – said the UK representative of the

According to Markin, when CJSC “IES” led Olkhovik and Vainzikher, according to their instructions as illegal remuneration. to the accounts of affiliated companies taker was listed at least 177 and 89 million rubles, respectively.

Investigators SC intend to seek the arrest and Olkhovik and Vainzikher. “With respect to detainees consequence will apply for the election of a preventive measure in the form of detention” – Markin said

Director General “VimpelCom” looking for

Another person involved in high-profile case -. CEO PJSC “VimpelCom” Mikhail Slobodin, in the past also led the company CJSC “IES”. “Location of Michael Slobodina set,” – said Markin. As told Tass source in law enforcement, “Slobodin went abroad and is currently in London”.

According to the source, in the case of giving multimillion bribes to the former management of the Komi may appear and new helpers. “Investigators continue to set the persons involved in the commission of this crime,” – said the agency

As noted Markin, defendants in the case are “and others are unidentified persons”

38%.. shares have gone into offshore

in addition, Markin said that, according to the existing agreement, 38% of shares of OAO “Komi Energy Retail company”, owned by an affiliate of ZAO “IES” offshore company, by entering into a series of successive transactions moved in ownership of an offshore company, control of which carried the highest officials of the Republic of Komi. The value of these shares is not less than 100 million rubles.

Comment companies

The company “VimpelCom” does not comment on the situation around the criminal case, as well as information on the whereabouts of the general director. This Tass said press secretary of “VimpelCom” Anna Aybasheva. “No comment”, – she said

The official representative of the group “Renova” Andrew Storch told Tass that the company links the investigative actions in his office in the center of Moscow with the work of the energy enterprise “T Plus” in the Komi Republic in the future. governor Vyacheslav Gayzer. According to him, the company set to constructive cooperation with law enforcement agencies, all the staff work as usual. Later, Storch said after the official declaration Markina, that “he had no information about the arrest of any of the employees”.

Vainzikher headed PJSC “T Plus” in 2012. It is the largest Russian private company working in the field of electricity and heat. The company brings together 59 plants, including 53 thermal power station, four GRES and two hydropower plants.

“Stop the irresponsible”

Back in early August, Russian President Vladimir Putin and the interim head of the Komi Sergey Gaplikov discussed the situation Vorkuta with the preparation for the coming winter. The meeting Gaplikov said the threat of disruption of the heating season because of the high accident rate of power “Vorkuta HPP” (including CHP-1, CHP-2, the central hot water boilers of Vorkuta, which is almost entirely Vorkuta provide heat and hot water). As the interim head of the Komi said energy system of the republic in recent years practically not upgraded

“For the 2015 emergency situation has worsened -. 142% of accidents During the five months of this year alone, we have increased the accident rate -. 133% – Gaplikov stated -. and now it leads to a state can not be created including a backup 220-th line, to carry out its relaying in order to ensure the reliability of the “

According to him, the equipment. acts on the station, is in a critical condition, nine boilers are to be repaired, three – “more or less supported by the state”, the other in need of major repairs. As a result of Vorkuta and Inta Power System were included in the number of crisis Ministry of Energy, with the threat of shutdown.

As explained Gaplikov at the meeting with Putin, Vorkuta HPP owned by PJSC “T Plus”, which has a branch in the region. “They have all this power system rather than to start working, was taken into a separate company, which is located in Vorkuta, in the month of May on the board of directors decided to sell it at public auction rather than perform all the decisions to bring the system in order” – Gaplikov told

“And I ask you, Vladimir Vladimirovich,. (understand – approx Tass.) in this situation, even though the owners explained to us that there are accumulated arrears in the past five years (this debt from one company affiliated with the Cyprus offshore company) “, – she said Acting head of the Komi. “Be sure and do this irresponsibility must be stopped.” – Replied Putin

The prosecutor’s check

The next day, after the meeting of the RF Prosecutor General’s Office organized in Vorkuta check.. “The prosecutor’s office thoroughly examine the legality of expenditure of the heat supplying organization of funds received from the public, and will also check whether there have been instances of deliberate deterioration of its financial position, misuse of property assets. The audit will determine not whether the nomination of Vorkuta TPP for sale way to hide made during its operation violations “, – reported earlier the prosecutor’s office

Debt utilities Vorkuta before CHP exceeded 5 billion rubles, of which 4 billion -. from OOO” Thermal networks of Vorkuta, “to raise funds to consumers <. / p>

The prosecutor’s office were assured that during the audit, together with law enforcement and regulatory authorities will be given a legal assessment of the causes of failure by the operator combined heat and power activities for its proper maintenance and repair. “For all identified violations prosecuting authorities promptly set of responses will be adopted aimed, primarily, on the timely supply of heat energy to the city of Vorkuta and unconditional involvement of all those responsible to justice established by law”, – said the prosecutor’s office

<. p> Later, the general director of “T Plus” Boris Vainzikher reported Deputy Prime Minister Arkady Dvorkovich on the readiness of the city for the winter, that “no current energy security, nor reliable for the autumn-winter period in Vorkuta is not in danger”.

Case Gayzer

“The thing Gayzer”, in turn, can now be extended with another episode. According to a source in law enforcement, “the materials of accepting bribes amounting to more than 800 million rubles from the representatives of the energy company CJSC” IES “will be another episode in a large criminal case on the establishment of a criminal association, which featured former Komi executives, including ex-head republic Vyacheslav Gaiser “.

The former head of Komi Vyacheslav Gaiser was arrested in Moscow on 20 September last year. Defendants in the case are even 18 people, including his deputy Alexei Chernov, deputy chairman of the Government of the Republic Romadanov Constantine, chairman of the State Council of the Komi Igor Kovzel, ex-senator from the region Yevgeny Samoilov. All persons involved in the case are accused under three articles of the Criminal Code: “The organization of and participation in a criminal organization”, “fraud” and “Legalization (laundering) of money or other property acquired through the commission of crimes on a large scale by an organized group”. According to investigators, the size of the damage exceeds 1 billion rubles.

At the end of September last year by presidential decree Gaiser was removed from office.


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