France is not agree to “deal” from Google on the tax, said Finance Minister Michel Sapin. According to the Ministry of Finance, Paris “will go to the end” in the issue of taxes on multinational companies
France “would go to the end” in order to guarantee the payment of taxes by transnational companies operating on its territory, he said in an interview with Reuters, the minister of Finance Michel Sapin. He warned that new cases can be followed by the State claims to these companies about non-payment of taxes, such as those that took place with to Google and McDonald`s.
According to Sapin, any talks about “tax deal “excluded from Google.
« We will go to the end. There may be other cases, “- said Sapen ,. commenting on the situation with tax claims against Google France and McDonald`s.
On Tuesday, 24 May at the Paris headquarters of Google came to test the French investigators. The Paris office McDonald`s searches were carried out May 18th. French business magazine L’Expansion reported last month that the country’s authorities suspect McDonald`s in non-payment of € 300 million in income taxes.
According to the French Ministry of Finance, police checks and investigators were based on the work that began tax services three or four years ago. Then they passed the tax data in the judiciary suspected of possible criminal component.
Google French authorities urged to pay taxes in the amount of about € 1.6 Bln., Reuters reported a source in the Ministry of Finance of the country. Sapen said that he can not talk about what exactly the amounts involved, because of the confidentiality of tax issues.
Earlier this year, Google reached an agreement with the UK authorities to pay £ 130 million to the Treasury (about $ 190 million) as compensation for the tax debt in ten years period. As noted by Bloomberg, the opponents of this agreement called this amount “ridiculous».
On the question of whether the tax authorities to make a deal with a company Sapen said that France “is not going to deal, as the United Kingdom” . “We apply the law”, – he underlined
“The negotiations will not be”, -.. Zaklyuchik Minister
As noted by Reuters, Google, McDonald`s and other multinational companies such as Starbucks, are under increasing pressure from public opinion and the authorities in Europe in connection with the ways in which they use in order to minimize tax payments.
Google Company declares that it fully fulfills French legislation. McDonald`s has refused to comment on the raids, recalling that the company is proud to be one of the largest taxpayers in France.

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