A suicide bomber attacked a convoy of US military in Bagram district in the central part of Afghanistan, where the US Air Force airbase, the agency Khaama Press. According to eyewitnesses, a suicide bomber hit a US army convoy sun on car bombs. Responsibility for the attack has assumed a terrorist group “Taliban”, telling about the many victims among the military. It is noted that the government has not even confirmed the information about the attack.
As reported by “Kommersant”, the Afghan government has effectively abandoned the attempts of reconciliation with the terrorist Taliban and announced an offensive “on all fronts “. As evidence of the seriousness of the six detained in prisons terrorists from various groups were hanged rather than pardoned, as previously many of their colleagues. Since the withdrawal of the main part of the NATO forces in late 2014, the situation in the country worsens, and the US military are forced to “every day” to participate in the fighting. Problems added and Pakistan, whose involvement in the civil war on the side of the Taliban receives more information.
Learn more about the situation, see the article “b” “Afghanistan has moved from negotiations to death. »

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