MED considers it necessary to raise the retirement age to 63 or 65 years for both sexes, according to the materials for the meeting of the Economic Council under the President
Development of Russia considers it necessary to raise the retirement age to 63 or 65 years for both sexes, according to the materials to the report of the Minister of economic development of Russia Alexei Ulyukayev at the meeting of the presidium of the economic Council under the President.
«An important measure is to increase the retirement age for men and women (up to 63-65 years). This is not only and not so much in terms of balancing the pension system, how to prolong the period of productive life for future retirees and reduce the manpower shortage in the market “, – stated in the materials (quoted by” RIA Novosti »)
In March, Ulyukayev said that the decision to raise the retirement age will inevitably be made, but the right must be choose the time. “I think it is reasonable to declare this in a calm electoral period, for example at the end of 2016. A calculation must be completed now, “- said Ulyukayev
At the same time he said that he considered the logical annually to raise the retirement age for six months.. That is the fact, to bring it to 63 years, need 16 years for women and six for men.
Former Finance Minister Alexei Kudrin called to announce the increase of the retirement age in September 2016, after the elections in State Duma. Up to this point, noted Kudrin, as a sharp debate begin “is hardly appropriate».
As previously reported, in the documents of the meeting of the Ministry of Economic Development Economic Council also stated that the return of the Russian economy to the previous growth rate of 5-7% per year ” almost impossible”. “Our calculations show that even in the face of high oil prices, ie, above $ 50 per barrel, a return to the old growth path, 5-7% per annum, practically impossible, “- said in a documentThe department explained that this situation is due to deep structural changes in the world economy, passing into the state. “new normality”.

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