In February 2015 compared with the same period last year, the share of loan applications, suspected of fraud, has tripled, to 2.74%, according to RBC .
So, according to the Joint Credit Bureau (OKB), fraud in the credit market for February reached its peak for the first time since 2012. The last peak loan applications with suspected fraud was in 2013, when the suspect got 2% of the applications. Then, the figure fell in 2014 and the whole did not exceed 1.2%.
2015 was marked by a sharp increase in fraud, apply for a loan. In January under suspicion were 27.6 thousand. Applications, and in February, already 37.3 thousand. Applications.
OKB this situation explains the activation of scams in lending without collateral. Fraudsters make out a loan in his name while providing false information about their income and employment, and false labor book and reference PIT.
Recall, according to the Bank of Russia for 2014 Arrears on loans of citizens increased by 51.6% to 700 billion rubles. This is 5.9% in the retail portfolio. In 2013, the figure was 4.4%.
According to the bureau, the level of arrears of Russians to banks for 2014 increased by 2.6 percentage points to 15.66% in December.
According to the calculations of the collection agency, “Sequoia Credit Consolidation”, last year the growth of arrears in Russia amounted to 58%, which is a five-year record.
The index of the health of the credit (Credit health index) in Russia on January 1, 2015 totaled 96 points, the minimum value for all time calculations of the index since 2008. According to the calculations of FICO and “National Bureau of Credit Histories” of 2014, the index fell by six percentage points, the failure of Russians on retail loans increased by almost 25%.
In this case, the total amount of credits taken grew only by 11%. Consumer lending in the autumn of last year actually ceased to stimulate consumption. Take new loans to pay off old ones.
Related Links:
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” Kommersant “: banks noted a reduction in lending
// // // Economy January 22, 2015

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// // // Economy November 20, 2014

Information Internet resources
Economy // // Banks Credit market

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