Rosbalt, 22/03/2015 03:26 RIGA, March 22. Latvian Foreign Minister Edgars Rinkēvičs considers provocative statement Russian Ambassador to Denmark Mikhail Vanin of nuclear attack from Russia. “The nuclear threat of the Russian ambassador in Denmark of concern, I hope that the escalation of rhetoric is not a hint of specific planned actions “- wrote in his microblog Rinkevich in Twitter. Earlier, the Russian ambassador to Denmark Mikhail Vanin said that Denmark may be subject to a nuclear attack from Russia. The reason for this decision of Moscow diplomat called Danes desire to host the NATO missile defense system. “I do not believe that the people of Denmark are fully aware of the consequences of what would happen if their country will join the American-led missile defense system. A is that the Danish warships become targets for Russian nuclear missiles, “- wrote the ambassador in a newspaper column for the newspaper Jyllands Posten. Opinion Analytics, interviews, reports March 20, 2015 Georgia: Why would someone sell? The Georgian government does not recognize the existence of the country’s crisis, although unemployment is growing, and the budget is reduced. Want to fix the position of privatization, in which Russian business is interested. | March 19, 2015 Islamic radicals already in Kyrgyzstan? In Kyrgyzstan arrested respected imam allegedly calling on citizens to participation in the war on the side of the “Islamic State” and “invite” the IG to the territory of the republic. | March 17, 2015 Baku allowed “little freedom” Azerbaijan was incredible – people took to the streets with slogans such as “Thieves power – go!” The reason for the rally was the devaluation of the manat, but he was wearing a clearly political in nature. | March 16, 2015 Myths and gas reefs games In Turkey, begins construction of a pipeline TANAP. Does this mean the end of “the Turkish stream,” and is it true that Baku and Sofia agreed to revive undesirable for Moscow project Nabucco? | March 13, 2015 On the “Independence” or “swamp”? One of the biggest parties of Armenia joined the opposition, and it was a change of leader. Does this mean that the country is maturing “Maidan”, and how it will affect her Eurasian integration? | March 12, 2015 What Francis can bring in Minsk Vatican received an invitation for the Pope to visit Belarus. If this visit takes place, it is, as history shows, it may be the beginning of a major change, as it has been in Poland, Cuba, and in several other countries. | March 12, 2015 Meet the Belarusian unemployed In Belarus, unemployment is rising. While it is noticeable by circumstantial evidence, but even the authorities predict its growth significantly. Experts point desperate to find work one way – in Russia. | March 11, 2015 Someone in Georgia afraid to talk to Russia? Tbilisi rally for the abolition of the negotiation format on Georgian-Russian settlement. Does negotiations threat to the security of Georgia, and what does all this is NATO? | Today read Forum Lifestyle Reviews blogosphere March 20, 2015 Mysterious Stalinists Clearly, when a “return of Stalin” advocate working, working people – people want to again be considered as a hegemon. Slightly less clear when for Stalin, communism and even repression campaign, for example, programmers. | March 20, 2015 The fate of the EP For anyone who is familiar with the Russian” Party life, “has long understood that the current” United Russia “- a bad tooth Russian authorities, and that to do with it, no one in the long run does not know. | March 20, 2015 Wide people Our global responsiveness exhausted other nations, as can tire too kind passerby persistently trying to help you out on the street or in public transport. | March 19, 2015 Undefined mat If the Supreme Court will be tasked every three years to process and complement the body vocabulary of Russian mat – you and I can lose the Supreme Court. | Home | | 

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