Thursday, March 26, 2015

Escaped prisoner killed himself in front of the police in Vladivostok – TVNZ

Around pm March 26 police Vladivostok officially announced, escaped from the convoy armed prisoner found when attempting suicide. Recall the incident occurred the evening of March 24th. Two suspects in the illegal purchase of drugs escorted from the District Court in Vladivostok jail. In the area stop “Youth” is one of the defendants, 40-year-old Vladimir Bespalov, somehow took the gun from the convoy. One of the officers, 40-year-old Alexander Tarasov, he killed. In lieutenant survived by his wife and eight year old son. Second policeman Ensign Andrew Alatyreva seriously wounded. On the scene of the crime the killer escaped on a bus. Jumping with him between stops, the offender broke into the apartment of a girl who lives down the street Ilicheva, took her male things changed and forced him to call a taxi. Woman forced him to go with him, the benefit she escaped.

Save killer

During the time there was a raid, the police worked 149 posts citizens of bald and lame men in different areas of the city. But to-date information on the location of the criminal police said only one person. Citizen recognized the man natyanuvshem hood on the face of the person looking for the whole city. Offender alert man noticed in the house 46 on the street Sakhalin – for almost two days since the escape, the bandit had to cross the entire city.

The address of the private security detachment rushed. Ensigns Andrew Habarov and Vyacheslav Yakovlev first thing blocked elevator on the first floor, and rushed up the stairs. They caught up with the offender on the latter, the 12th floor of an apartment house.

– Raise your hands and show your hand! – Ordered the fugitive Habarov. At this point, Bespalov shot himself in the head.

In place immediately came to the police, the investigation committee and three ambulances. Doctors tried to resuscitate the offender, but despite their best efforts, Bespalov died.

– I saw the police running to the house. I – for them. They said they can not be here, in the house offender. A few minutes later a police officer came down and said that he shot himself – says an eyewitness operation Denis Ryabtsev. – Then, from their conversations, I realized that he was breathing another 15 minutes, but then he died.

On the 12th floor of the house on the street Sakhalin, 46 investigations continued into the evening. Returning from work tenants allowed to access only after a police check.

«I went from door to door, ask for water»

In the crowd of onlookers there were also those who saw on the eve of the offender. Residents of the nearby “candle” talked about what we had seen the fugitive prisoner in her apartment building. According to Lidia Ivanovna, suspicious person evening of March 25 twice called to her apartment and asked for water. Fugitive in thin man woman did not recognize – he always hid his face. But he knew Vladimir, who lives a few floors below.

– He sat on the stairs in the yard, lying next to the package. I thought he was drunk. I immediately recognized him and reported to the police, but they told me that a lot of applications, the information will only be able to check the next day. “Maybe you have mistaken?” – Asked me … – says the guy.

The same Vladimir repeated and police officers. Will now be held service check, which will show whether the incoming signal from the street Sakhalin. Moreover, that this address was in development at the operational staff of the Criminal Investigation, which checked the suspect criminal connections.


The official police statement Primorye suicide escaped convicts

– The official reason for the man decided to commit suicide, we believe became hopeless. He shot himself in as soon as he saw the police, – explained Irina cheeses, head of OIOS AMIA Russia’s Primorsky Krai.


For information on fugitive offering bounties

On the second day of searching the prisoner-killer in the city there were leaflets calling to report information about the fugitive for serious money.

All Classifieds areas of the city were sticking 120 volunteers. Reward offered Center for Social and Economic Development of Far Eastern Federal University.

– After consulting with colleagues, decided to allocate money and advertise. Some people are not willing to work for free. Who knows, maybe pecked to those who covered the offender, – says the center’s director, Alexander Lapitsky.

The size of awards varies from 25 to 70 thousand rubles. Get money man, who told the police about the whereabouts Bespalov outside Sakhalin.

– My colleagues and assess the situation and decide how much money to hand – explains the director.

The money allocated from the Alexander Lapitski Fund, which is formed by contributions from employees for the winners in the competitions held by the Centre.

Olesya Kuvatova

In the subject

Citizens practiced wits about raid

Psychologists say that it is a normal human reaction to stress.

Talk about the three-day operation still do not cease. Vladivostok on the forums multiply pages where townspeople continue to discuss the special operation “Vulcan-4.” Along with informational messages in the forums on the Internet, a host of jokes, anecdotes and poems dedicated to escape Bespalov. “Sign of the TRP on his prosthesis,” “He cyborg with firearms in the prosthesis” – like mocking messages there are hundreds.

In social networks appeared even pages, allegedly belonging Bespalov. In such an Instagram account got almost fifteen hundred followers, and VKontakte on page signed nearly a hundred people. The content of approximately the same everywhere – mocking montages in which a criminal posing with girls making self worth or even in the registry office next to the bride. There are also “fotozhaby” comparing bandit with a character from the popular computer game GTA.

Occasionally even come across comments in support of the fugitive criminal. But in response to such cues pouring dozens of angry responses: “Sit at the computer geeks who admire this urkoy not because he is worthy of admiration, but because nothing worthwhile in this life did not and do not intend to!»

According to the psychologist, is a normal reaction to stress citizens. People are simply scared, because police took almost two days to catch the fugitive legged.

– All these jokes, anecdotes, pictures – it is a normal, adequate public reaction to stress. When there is little reliable information, it is always filled with a lack or “duck” or a joke. People are so worried about their own vulnerability – because if you stand up for themselves could not people who are armed and are in authority, the other the more they will not protect. In addition, this is a way to cope with his fear: someone starts to laugh at danger, and someone just does not let the children out. As for those who supposedly sympathetic murderer – that there are people who belong to the police sharply negative. Triggered the so-called anti-social factor, and people are starting to behave like an idiot, even in a situation where this can not be done, – explains the nature of the popularity Bespalov psychologist Tatiana Klimkovich.


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