Analysts believe that the country’s cartel anticipate bankruptcy of US corporations operating on the shelf
State of the OPEC cartel wait until the crisis in the global oil market will lead to bankruptcy of US companies engaged in mining oil on the shelf. Key exporters, OPEC, anticipate the crisis of the American oil industry. They believe that it is only a matter of time, as long as that situation rescue insurance – they are temporarily cover the losses from the collapse in prices.
See also: The price of Brent crude fell below $ 53 a barrel Most of the US companies insurance ended in late 2014. Few are valid until the end of 2015. OPEC expected corporate reports for the I quarter in order to understand how effective was their policy.
Analysts Reuters believe that the hedging strategy (insurance companies from potential risks) is already reviewed by many companies producing oil offshore, with in order to protect themselves from possible risks in the future.
That’s refusal to cut OPEC quota is considered one of the main reasons for the continued decline in oil prices.

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