Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Miller advised the EU to hurry with the construction of a gas pipeline to Turkey – RBC

Miller advised the EU to hurry with the construction of a gas pipeline to Turkey – RBC

The head of” Gazprom “Alexei Miller

Photo: REUTERS 2015

In the central office of” Gazprom “on Wednesday, January 14, held a working meeting between Alexey Miller and Deputy Chairman of the Commission for Energy Union Maroš Šefčovič. Responding to a question about the project “South Stream” head of “Gazprom” said the project is closed, so the only route by which Europe will be supplied gas going through Ukraine now becomes “Turkish stream.” Miller said that “no other choice”. He added that European gas buyers aware of the need to prepare for the change in gas supply route.

«They have it there is a maximum number of years. This is a very, very tight schedule. In order to meet these deadlines work on the construction of new gas pipelines in the EU should be started today. Otherwise, these volumes of gas can be in other markets, “- Interfax Miller said. “Pipeline” Turkish Stream “is the only route by which can be delivered 63 billion cubic meters of Russian gas going now while in transit through Ukraine. No other choice. Our European partners are informed about it and now their task is to create necessary infrastructure to the border of Turkey and Greece, “- said the head of” Gazprom ».

In an official press release the words of Miller not. However, it notes that “Naftogaz of Ukraine” buys gas in smaller volumes, compared with the Brussels agreements. At the same time Ukrainian company said in a statement selects gas from its underground storage, resulting in the amount of gas in underground storage facilities are reduced. “Given that the winter peaks in gas consumption falls at the end of January and February, the transit risks for European consumers on the

territory of Ukraine are preserved,” – said in a statement.

It is also noted that “the ongoing efforts of” Gazprom ” aimed at creating a new gas pipeline to Turkey under the Black Sea. This project will ensure the delivery of Russian natural gas to 50 billion cubic meters. m on the border of Turkey and Greece ».

According to Interfax, Miller also said that” Gazprom “is building its strategy” based on the plan for the EU Energy Union. ” He added that the Russian company is creating “new challenges and opportunities.”

With the idea of ​​the creation of the EU Energy Union, which would help to reduce the dependence of European countries on gas supplies from Russia, made in April 2014 by the then Prime Minister Donald Tusk. “Regardless of how events will develop in Ukraine, one lesson is already clear: excessive dependence on Russian energy makes Europe weak. But Russia does not sell its products cheaply, at least not for everyone. It is an axiom of the economy – a dominant position supplier can raise prices and reduce the supply, “- then wrote Tusk in his article published by the newspaper Financial Times.

« method to correct the situation is simple. Europe must oppose the monopoly position of Russia single European structure responsible for the purchase of gas, and in the longer term, to take measures to destroy the Russian gas monopoly and restore free competition in the gas market, “- said Tusk then.

In December 2014 preliminary plan for the creation of the union was ready, he called for the creation of energy union in the next two years. By the end of 2015 must earn a profile eurocommissioners general schemes of gas purchases to conduct joint negotiations with suppliers from outside the EU.



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