Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Medvedev proposes to learn to live in poverty – Utro.Ru

Medvedev proposes to learn to live in poverty – Utro.Ru

The fact that a return to the previous “stable” life in the foreseeable future is more than problematic, finally spoke at the highest levels of government. For a long time diligently do not notice the burgeoning of a systemic crisis, Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev yesterday was forced to admit that the crisis network, and most importantly – that the government has no clear idea of ​​how to deal with it.

Not surprisingly, the proposal of the Prime sounded painfully corny, not giving any hopes that the government is able to cope with the economic misfortune.

Russia’s economy should learn to live with low energy prices – “discovered America” ​​Prime Minister, in his speech at the Gaidar Forum. “The authorities will not just wait for the rise in oil prices. The conditions and requirements of our economy are fundamentally different, they can not wait. So, as it sounds banal, costs must be reduced and the quality of projects – to increase,” – said Dmitry Medvedev .

At the same time, the prime minister complained about the situation with the ruble, hopes for that every day is getting smaller. “But even with a strong ruble and cheap imports few to reduce costs and keep prices down. We still see instances where, for example, the share of imports in the cost structure is 20%, while prices increased almost doubled, the calculation is the experience of the past years – will take a year or two, and buyers will come running back to pay the money “- quoted Medvedev” Interfax “. According to him, growing rich from year to year on energy resources and the economy is in the past, and this product is simply impossible to sell, or tomorrow, or the day after. In this connection, “we learn to live with low energy prices,” – said the head of the government.

However, as will occur this life, Prime really did not say anything. Neither Medvedev nor anyone else from the official forum speakers did not say

anything intelligible about how at low prices you can live with the economic model, “sharpened” under very different environmental conditions. Model, as we know, has not only economic, but also a very important political component, and therefore, it is unlikely to change someone decides.

The politicization of the economy in the past negatively affected on the situation. But until then, mistakes and poor decision-making competence and offset corrected through continuous flow of resources. Today, when the inflow is reduced to almost zero, these mistakes and incompetence, as well as a reluctance to change the current model, become an obstacle to any anti-crisis activities. That would not say at this premier.

Thus, under these conditions, the proposal to “learn to live with low energy prices” can be translated as a call to forget about the previous relatively high standard of living only because the country’s corny running out of money.

There are no allegations that the government is ready to give maximum freedom of business, reduce costs bloated defense industry and law enforcement agencies to do everything for the return of confidence investors from the mouth Medvedev has not sounded.

It is obvious that no matter what the crisis and the declining quality of life of the population, the government does not intend to change the existing political and economic system, finally ceases to comply the current moment.

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