With the onset of cold weather has increased the risk of unauthorized selection of Russian gas to Ukraine. This was at a meeting with Dmitry Medvedev said the head of “Gazprom” Alexey Miller. According to him, Ukraine is not original in the proper amount pumped gas into its underground storage facilities.
what is now, clearly not enough for the passage of a cold winter, and in early January, the daily consumption of gas in comparison with December doubled.
“We know that the official figures were 16.5 billion cubic meters of gas, – quotes the head of” Gazprom “RIA Novosti. – It’s not so much for the passage of a cold winter. But somewhere 5-6 billion from 16.5 – the so-called inactive gas, they basically can not use “.
” We are naturally interested in Ukraine to be a reliable partner in this respect. But what you say, makes us think about how events will unfold. Pay close attention to how there is a selection of gas to Ukraine and, if necessary, make quick decisions, if they are needed, “- in turn, Medvedev said the prime minister.
In late December, Ukraine has paid $ 1.65 billion to repay debt obligations for gas in the amount of $ 3.1 billion. These conditions have been achieved through tripartite agreements of Ukraine, the European Commission and the Russian Federation (“Gazprom”). Accordingly, the obligation to repay the debt Ukraine fully implements.

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