In the Cathedral of the Russian Orthodox Church – Moscow’s Cathedral of Christ the Savior – at 23:00 Moscow time began the night solemn liturgy dedicated to the great feast of Christmas .
Service, which will last until about 2:00 am Moscow, headed by the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Kirill. A live broadcast from the cathedral channels are “first” , “Russia 1″ and “Savior” , the online broadcast can also be seen on the the official website of the Russian Orthodox Church , according to RIA “Novosti” .
For the first time all the Christmas service, according to the decree of the Patriarch, is held open the Holy Doors , which symbolizes the openness of the word of God to all.
At the beginning of the service in the church gathered about five thousand men. Many more are in the queue at the entrance. The temple set a festive Christmas tree with crystal figures of angels. In the center of the cathedral under the shadow of softwood with white lilies and chrysanthemums – festive icon on the Gospel story. The original of this icon is located in Bethlehem, where he committed vigil, according to TASS.
The Cathedral of Christ the Savior, built on public donations in honor of the victory in the Patriotic War of 1812, it is dedicated to the celebration of the Nativity, as on this day, December 25, old style, the last Napoleonic soldiers left Russia.
In the temple to worship arrived Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev and his wife Svetlana.
The head of the Russian Cabinet regularly happens in the church on major religious holidays. As a rule, Christmas and Easter, he meets Christ the Savior Cathedral. He was here on holiday services at the beginning of his public political career, as head of the Kremlin administration, and then first deputy prime minister.
However, the head of the government tries not to draw attention to their religious beliefs. “Personal religious feelings are hidden, this is their value, – he said during a meeting with young people. – The Church must be in the soul of each of us, each person has his way, it is necessary to understand themselves, but the state should create conditions to request the person to come to the temple was satisfied. ”
Christmas as prime minister called one of the brightest holidays. “Christmas days give us all ever-burning light of faith and fill us with joy and hope, this time, good thoughts and good deeds, caring for loved ones and strangers in need of our help,” – he said.
The presence of the heads of state on important religious holidays resumed from the post-Soviet era. The first of the secular leaders of Christmas service in 1992 was visited by President Boris Yeltsin.
Russian President Vladimir Putin takes part in the Christmas service in a rural church in honor of the Holy Virgin, located near Voronezh.
The parishioners of this church this year, in addition to local residents, were children from the orphanage at the church, reports Tass.
The temple is situated in the village of Otradnoe, included in the list of cultural heritage. The name of the church, which holds about 450 parishioners, was in honor of the feast of the Holy Virgin. Construction of the temple began in 1893 and lasted eight years. In 1930 the church was closed and used as a granary. To rebuild the temple began in 1991.
Putin, usually at Christmas outside of Moscow – in contrast to Easter, which he usually marks the Cathedral of Christ the Savior. In the last two years for the Christmas service at the church he came near Sochi – the temple of the Holy Face of Christ the Savior, built near the Olympic Park, and three-altar temple in honor of the Mother of God and Vladimir Peschanskaya in the Trinity-St George’s Monastery in the village of Forest Adler district.
Another year before Putin came to the festive service in the Transfiguration Cathedral of St. Petersburg, where he was baptized. The President also visited the Church of the Intercession in the Christmas of the Virgin in the village Turginovo Tver region, where in 1911 his parents were baptized in the Church of the Holy Martyrs Alexander and Antonina Roman village Selishche Kostroma Region, Candlemas Church in the village of Straw in Karelia, in Prokopyevsky Cathedral in Veliky Ustyug, in the New Jerusalem Monastery. In 2006, Putin met this holiday in one of the churches of Yakutsk, where at that time was 50 degrees below zero.
In the capital, the head of state to celebrate Christmas in 2001 – the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, and in 2000, when Putin, the then Acting President of the Russian Federation, visited the festive service in the church of the Holy Trinity Life-Giving on the Sparrow Hills.
- Patriarch Kirill: “God became man so that man might become God”
- Christmas on January 7 plans to celebrate the two-thirds of Russians
The Great Feast of the Nativity of Christ on the night of January 7 meet followers Russian , Serbian , Jerusalem and Georgia Orthodox churches and monasteries of Mount Athos, the Catholics of the Eastern rite (in particular, Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church ) and some Protestants who hold Julian calendar .
Patriarch Kirill: “God became man so that man might become God”
The Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Kirill addressed the faithful of the Russian Orthodox Church with the traditional Christmas message , in which he emphasized, citing the words of St. Athanasius the Great, “God became man so that man might become God” .
“Born in Bethlehem, the Lord is born in our hearts and lives with us, if we are faithful to him, and he founded the Church. He is with us when we do good deeds. He is with us when we help others . He is with us when we reconcile warring. He is with us when we forgive, and do not remember evil “- quoted text messages TASS.
“spiritual eyes we contemplate the great mystery of godliness: Creator likened the creature takes human nature undergoes humiliation, dying on the cross and resurrected. This surpasses human understanding and is a miracle that reveals the fullness of God’s revelation of Himself to people “,
Patriarch Kirill drew attention of the faithful on the main condition of intimacy with God -” participation in the Sacrament of Thanksgiving Holy Eucharist “during the liturgy. The Primate of the Russian Orthodox Church urged Christians not to be nominally, and way of life.
The onset of 2015 was marked by the celebration of the 1000th anniversary of the repose of the Baptist of Russia, St. Vladimir, the Patriarch stressed and noted that it is the holy name connects Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and all the countries of historical Rus. “It is to him we owe the fact that we are the bearers of high Christian calling, and together constitute a single family of Orthodox historical fraternal peoples of Russia, – says the patriarch. – And no temporary troubles and trials, no external forces can not terminate these centuries-old spiritual and cultural ties heirs Kiev baptismal font. ”
A special place in this Christmas message given the current situation in Ukraine.
“In these holy days of Christmas prayers the whole Church and augmented my prayer for peace on Ukrainian soil. Regardless of the place of residence of their children, their political views or preferences of the Russian Orthodox Church performs the important mission which is to She put Christ himself “- quoted Patriarch portal ” Interfax-Religion “.
According to the ROC, the Church has done and is doing everything possible “to bring people together and help them overcome the consequences of hatred.”
He urged the faithful to be Orthodox, not only in opinion polls, “and in his deep beliefs and way of life, have been hotly faithful and loving people of God our pious ancestors”.
“spiritual eyes we contemplate the great mystery of godliness: Creator likened the creature takes human nature undergoes humiliation, dying on the cross and resurrected. This surpasses human understanding and is a miracle that reveals the fullness of God’s revelation of Himself to people “- said in the letter.
Before the festive liturgy Patriarch Kirill in the traditional address to the Russian viewers called to give gifts in the form of good deeds, especially in times of financial difficulties.
“In the celebration is customary to give gifts. Let us, and we will bring a gift to the newborn Christ at least one specific good deed by which someone becomes easier, happier and brighter” – quoted Patriarch TASS.
He said that although the difficult economic situation is much more difficult to help others, but these are the circumstances and identify the true Christian spirit.
“We are going through difficult times. Understand the concerns and anxieties of people for their families, for families, for the future. But we know that God does not deprive the grace of our people when he does not lose faith,” – said the Patriarch .
“We were never left in our history Savior, if applied to him. Not this happen and now”, – the head of the Russian Orthodox Church
From 2015 Christmas Liturgy in all churches of the Russian Orthodox Church will be performed with the Royal Doors open
From this year, the Patriarch blessed in all churches of the Russian Orthodox Church on the Feast of the Nativity perform the Divine Liturgy with open Royal Doors. In the Patriarchal Decree of 31 December 2014 states: “Given the special missionary significance festive worship on Christmas Day, in all churches of the Russian Orthodox Church is blessed every year to perform the Divine Liturgy with open Royal Doors on the” Our Father … “(after the announcement of prayer” Our Father “. – Note. Ed. )
In the Russian Church taken at certain times of worship to close the royal doors. The only exceptions are the liturgy at Easter and during the whole of Bright Week, as well as Liturgy committed bishops. Also there is such a blessing in some archpriests granted at the request of its ruling hierarch special decree of the Patriarch, says document , sent out by the Office of the Moscow Patriarchate in all dioceses of the ROC.
Christmas on January 7 plans to celebrate the nearly three-quarters of Russians
Almost three-quarters of Russians (72%) are going to celebrate Christmas on January 7 – the Orthodox church – Julian calendar . Among consider themselves Orthodox, this proportion is even higher – 87%. This is evidenced by published at the end of last year, study the All-Russian Public Opinion Research Center (VTsIOM), according to TASS.
According to the survey, Christmas December 25 – on the Gregorian calendar – intended to be noted, only 6% of our citizens. Are more likely going to meet Western Christmas, residents of Moscow and St. Petersburg (13%).
Celebrate Christmas the majority of respondents plan home with family (57%). Come to serve in the church are going to 10%. Others lay a rich banquet table (8%), or go to visit (6%). Some (1%) will be caroling and even guess. Another one percent of respondents complained that at this time the workers have to deal with things. Congratulations on this holiday relatives plans 75% of respondents.
According to 53% of respondents in the creation of a single church calendar, which would unite the date of the celebration of the Orthodox and the Western Christmas, there is no need. Among Orthodox this position is held 60%, among the followers of other religions – 28% among non-believers – 30%.
Only one tenth of the respondents (10%) believes that the time has come to Christian denominations agree – older people are talking about it in two times more likely than young people (18% and 8%, respectively). In turn, a third of respondents (32%) said that the issue they care about.
opinion poll was conducted December 20-21. Surveyed 1,600 people in 132 villages in 46 regions of Russia. The statistical error does not exceed 3,5%.
In order Christmas in Moscow will provide about seven thousand people
Nearly seven thousand police officers, military personnel and representatives of public organizations will ensure order during festivals in celebration of Christmas in Moscow, said Tuesday’s press service of the State Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation in the capital.
“In the night of 6 January 7 389 active Orthodox monasteries, temples and churches of the city will worship to celebrate the birth of Christ” – quoted the press service RIA “Novosti” .
According to the State Ministry of Interior, the rule of law during worship on this night will provide more than 2,600 police officers, internal troops and members of national teams.
In general, December 6 and 7 public safety during festivals in celebration of Christmas will provide 6,900 police officers, military personnel and representatives of community groups, he said.
“The police drew attention to Muscovites and visitors to the need to respect the basic rules of personal safety and behavior in public places,” – said a spokesman for the Metropolitan Police.
Glory comes to the world of the Saviour Orthodox believers will be 12 days before the feast of Epiphany. At Christmastime in Moscow will host the International Christmas Festival of Christian sacred music. Fifth year of his conduct Maestro Vladimir Spivakov and Metropolitan Hilarion Alpheus, who is also a composer. This year will feature ancient hymns and music Metropolitan Hilarion, Christmas songs Czech Republic and the UK, Russian and Ukrainian carols.
The Christian holidays traditionally accompanied by charity. Orthodox service “Mercy” and the center of the Galina Vishnevskaya Opera arrange Jan. 7 concert for the homeless in the Angara salvation Taganka. Patriarch Kirill on Christmas Day to meet with large families in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior.
Related Links:
In order Christmas Moscow will provide about seven thousand people
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For the Orthodox people of Russia came on Christmas Eve
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