Two residents of Miami filed in federal court in the State of California lawsuit against Apple, accusing her of misinforming customers iPhone, iPad and iPod with respect to the actual memory gadgets, according to The Courthouse News Service.
The perturbation Paul Orsha and Christopher Endary was the fact that in fact most of the amount of memory available for use due to the fact that it takes the device’s operating system – iOS. So, Paul Orsha notes that the last, the eighth version of the program cover – “largest” and the company “did not inform buyers that up to 23.1% of the claimed amount of memory can be occupied by iOS and 8 is not available for users”, reports RT.
Orshan sure that consumers do not expect such a large discrepancy between what is announced in the advertisement and the way things are at the Indeed. For example, the iPhone 6 plus with the stated amount of memory in the 16 gigabytes are available for use only 12.7 gigabytes. Have an iPod with the same amount of declared and even less: only 12.3 gigabayta.Takim way, according to one of the authors claim, Apple «aggressively promoting” their paid service for storing data on servers, not on the device iCloud. “Using such fraudulent tactics, the defendant provides memory less than asserted to sell new volumes at the right moment – when the user tries to make a photo presentation of their child or grandchild, a basketball game, or a wedding,” – said Paul Orshan.Zayaviteli asked to draw Apple to account for violation of laws on trade and false advertising. The hearing will be held in the court of San Frantsisko.Napomnim, in September last year, Apple released updates for the operating system iOS 8. But soon it was withdrawn. The first version to use too much memory in the iPhone 6, and a smartphone could not make calls. Also served as the reason for the fall issue of “bending” iPhone models 6 plus.Posle this stock quotes American IT-giant Apple fell by almost 4%.
A week later appeared update – iOS 8.0.1, in which hundreds of bugs have been fixed . However, users of new iPhone 6 and 6 plus, as well as previous smartphones lament the loss of communication directly while talking on a regular shutdown Touch ID – features fingerprint recognition. Crashes after the transition to the new system occurred in 3.3% of cases – it is 67% more than with the previous version of iOS.

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