fell under sanctions SMP Bank, controlled by brothers Rotenberg, decided to reimburse the funds affected investors MOSOBLBANK rehabilitated in their own offices. Earlier SMP bank closed most of the offices MOSOBLBANK whose investors have complained about the difficulty in returning funds. However, most of the SMP-bank reorganization helped to increase profits for the first nine months of almost three times.
SMP Bank announced the beginning of reception of documents from investors MOSOBLBANK who wish to withdraw their money from deposits. Now the money they can get in 11 divisions SMP Bank, located in six regions of the country. “Investors MOSOBLBANK can come not only in offices MOSOBLBANK, but in one of the 11 offices SMP Bank to get a refund. The whole procedure remains the same, one to one. This is done for the convenience of customers, “- said” Gazeta.ru “official representative of the bank. On rehabilitation MOSOBLBANK was announced nearly five months ago.
June 1, at MOSOBLBANK was 89.2 billion rubles. retail deposits – excluding deposits remained in the balance, is not reflected in the financial statements.
The forum banki.ru investors continue to complain about the problems with obtaining compensation under the provisions of the law 700 thousand. rubles., although the bank’s website reported that the amount of such customer can get already, “the day after the application” ( worth over 700 thousand. available from enrolling almost a month in advance). In addition, there are complaints and physical inability to get money out of the mass closure of additional offices (DOs) of the bank. According to customers, most of the offices MOSOBLBANK closed to depositors.
In particular, according to customers, in megacities Rostov-on-Don from a dozen offices MOSOBLBANK now works alone in Saratov all bank offices were closed .
When was the last MOSOBLBANK office was closed in Voronezh, when applying to a bank customer has received an offer to join the queue of the Moscow branch, even though the distance between cities – 519 km.
But even those who make it to become notorious MOSOBLBANK additional offices on the Big Semyonov, often can not get their money.
«Targeted actions in closing to have led to the fact that yesterday, 02.10.2014 at 18-57 taking a slip paper into the machine in the CO B. Semyonov, I was 401st in the queue. 401-m!
Even if the queue really only half of the people who have taken on the coupons, and teller spends on a client only 10 minutes (and only worked 2 teller) to wait for its queue, I had to wait 16 hours!
Ie. it is necessary to take their turn in the morning and spend all day at the bank, that the working man is unreal. People in the office a lot, the situation is very nervous, unhappy customers rip off anger at tellers, they are responsible, distracted, as a result of the service is even slower, “- complained in early October, another client of a credit institution, which has the money and has not received.
SMP Bank representative explained that additional offices were closed “due to their low profitability».
However, the statements of SMP Bank does not indicate if there are any problems with profitability. Moreover, according to the bank’s net profit SMP Bank in the first nine months of 2014 increased by 2.7 times compared to the same period last year and amounted to 1.86 billion rubles. against 673 million rubles. for the same period of last year (the bank’s website, as well as on the website of the Central Bank, accounting standards for the first nine months is not published yet). The bank increased profits associated with an increase in net interest income (income minus expenses and net of provisions) to 1.6 billion rubles., To 3.4 billion rubles.
The total loan portfolio increased from the beginning of the year from 97.5 billion rubles. to 179 billion rubles (50 billion rubles. of them in repo transactions). Now the bank is working with corporate clients who work in the ruble zone. In the structure of the loan portfolio is allocated lending companies operating in the securities market (27.21%), trade credit (16.60%), construction industry (10.05%) and manufacturing (11.77%).
Total assets of the Bank since the beginning of the year increased by 1.8 times to 278 billion rubles.
According to analysts, business SMP is basically built on the issue of low-risk public sector loans, which accounted for about 30 % portfolio. This year the bank was forced to doformirovyvat provisions of any part of the corporate loans, either in terms of retail (which the bank are mainly mortgage). The increase in net interest income at the time when the bank is under sanctions – not an accident. “On the one hand, the SMP has kept costs at the same level, and in some cases cut them, for example, due to the outflow of funds of individuals expensive (although now they have managed to break this trend and ensure the flow of funds of natural persons).
On the other hand, to implement the rehabilitation procedure SMP received funds at low interest rates and long term, it also helped to keep the value of the obligations of the resource base of the bank at a low level “, – says the head of the analytical department NRA Karina Artemyev.
SMP Bank in April, was introduced in the United States sanctions list, and payment systems Visa and MasterCard blocked operations issued their cards. In May, the refurbishment MOSOBLBANK SMP Bank received a loan from the Central Bank by 96.8 billion rubles. for a period of 10 years at 0.51% per annum.
State Bank co-owner Arkady Rotenberg in 2014 was estimated at $ 4 billion, it takes 27 th place in the list of the richest businessmen in Russia according to Forbes. Besides the Bank businessman owns stakes in companies “SGM”, “Mostotrest”, “Mineral fertilizers” and “Giprotransmost».

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