08.10.2014 23:14
From 2015, the entire volume of Russian export duties on oil products, developed at Belarusian refineries from Russian oil will replenish the budget of Belarus. This was announced on October 8 reporters Deputy Prime Minister Arkady Dvorkovich, the correspondent IA REGNUM .
Discussion of official Minsk compensation foregone benefits from the Russian “tax maneuver” in the oil industry took place during the Belarusian-Russian intergovernmental negotiations on October 7 in Sochi – a compromise was made and secured protocol. Dvorkovich participated in the negotiation process and in response to reporters at the possibility of transmission of the official Minsk right to assign all Russian export duties on oil products, said: “Yes».
Deputy Prime Minister said: it’s not just about the part fees in the amount of $ 1.5 billion, of which enrollment was previously reached an agreement, but on the entire volume of duties on the export of petroleum products, developed at Belarusian refineries from Russian oil . Dvorkovich also noted that in 2015 Belarus will be able to process 23 million tons of Russian oil.
Recall official Minsk postponed ratification of the Eurasian Union to address the problem of payment of compensation from Belarus Russian “tax maneuver” – according to the government’s decision the Russian Federation, in 2015 will be increased tax on mineral extraction (MET), which will lead to an increase in oil prices, this will significantly reduced the export duty on crude oil and light oil. Belarus state budget is extremely dependent on exports of petroleum products produced from Russian oil, which comes in the post-Soviet republic at unprecedented low prices, as close as possible to the value of the Russian market. Until 2014, the official Minsk is listed in the Russian state budget the entire volume of Russian export duties on oil products, developed at Belarusian refineries from Russian oil.
It should be noted, in 2013, the official Minsk is transferred to the Russian budget of about $ 3.3 billion in export duties on oil and oil products outside the Customs Union. Duties on crude oil to Belarus and produced from her Russian oil duty exempt. In 2014, Belarus plans to recycle 23 million tons of Russian oil and the same – in 2015.
As reported IA REGNUM , October 7th consequences for Belarus from the sale of Russian “tax maneuver” in the oil sector discussed by phone Vladimir Putin and Alexander Lukashenko. On the same day, October 7 in Sochi this same problem discussed the heads of government of Russia and Belarus Dmitry Medvedev and Mikhail Myasnikovich. The government of Belarus before sent to Moscow First Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers Vladimir Semashko for discussion with Arkady Dvorkovich, the question of compensation from the Russian side of the Belarusian “tax maneuver».
Free Press
On the eve of the talks in Sochi, October 2, Alexander Lukashenko met with Chairman of the Council of Ministers of Belarus Mikhail Myasnikovich, saying that the loss of the Belarusian side of the Russian “tax maneuver” in the oil sector will be about $ 1 billion. Prior to this, September 29, Deputy Finance Minister Sergei Shatalov said that the leadership of Belarus should be satisfied with compensation of $ 1.5 billion from the Government of the Russian Federation with “tax maneuver” that implies the reduction of duties on oil and excise taxes by increasing the tax on mineral extraction (MET). According to Shatalov, $ 1.5 billion in compensation from the Russian official Minsk “tax maneuver” is “more than enough” – in Moscow have calculated this amount is considered justified.

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