Monday, March 16, 2015

Ulyukayev predicted the preservation of sanctions against Russia in the coming years –

Ulyukayev predicted the preservation of sanctions against Russia in the coming years –

International sanctions against Russia could continue in the coming years. This was stated by Minister of Economic Development Alexei Ulyukayev, reports Tass.

«Macroeconomic forecast is based on the fact that the sanctions regime will continue in 2015 and in the following years,” – leads the agency of his words.

Ulyukayev said that in the years 2016-2018, the Russian economy will grow by an average of 2.5-3 percent. “We believe that next year will be the beginning of recovery growth” – the official said.

Earlier, the minister admitted that the restrictions will be in effect until 2017. According to him, the Ministry of Economic Development in 2014 predicted that the sanctions will be lifted in 2015 and expects the budget on that assumption. “But hypothetically, that decision may be extended. Now, the calculations must proceed from the fact that the sanctions regime, presumably, will operate in 2015, 2016, 2017, “- said the minister.

The European Union, the United States and several other countries imposed economic sanctions against Russia and individual Russian citizens after the Crimea. Moscow accused of interfering in the internal affairs of Ukraine and the violation of its territorial integrity. Restrictions relating to banking, defense and oil sectors of the economy.


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