Friday, March 20, 2015

The State Duma has suspended indexation of salaries of civil servants, social benefits will be more – Club Industry Journalism

Ksenina Oksana

In the first reading the bill was passed over suspend the process of indexation of salaries in the current year. It also provides for an increase in social payments to 5,5%.
initiative came from the Russian government and facing directly into the apparatus of the State Duma. According to this document in 2015, all general indexation of salaries offered to civil servants, judges, military personnel and people who equate them, together with the social benefits and compensation will be carried out in full compliance with the fresh amendments to the approved 2015 budget of the federation. In addition and for the period from 2016 to 2017.
Amendments to the budget the government introduced more recently – on March 16. Just assume they use indexing social payments and benefits at the level of 5.5%. This number corresponds to the level of inflation, which in the current budget is already installed. The Ministry of Finance announced that the federal budget deficit will be 3.7% of GDP, which is in the form of money gives a number 2675000000000. After that, the government and submitted a bill to stop this until 1 January next year.

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