Sunday, March 1, 2015

The Kremlin called the conditions for resuming the supply of agricultural products from Greece – RBC

The Kremlin called the conditions for resuming the supply of agricultural products from Greece – RBC

The customer at the counter with fruit

Photo: RIA Novosti

Peskov said Greece’s request to cancel the embargo on the Greek fruit in Russia. He said, as quoted by “Izvestia”, Russia, under WTO rules, can not make an exception for Greece provided antisanktsy taken in relation to the EU. However, as noted by the press secretary of the state, “in this case could not work out a scheme of direct supplies, and supplies raw materials supplied for investments here in Russia in the creation of food businesses».

Peskov said that In February, during the visit of President Vladimir Putin to Hungary Russian leader said that Moscow will be able to cooperate with Budapest in the agricultural sector, despite the sanctions. On the question of whether to be amended in the Russian legislation in connection with the possibility of cooperation in the agro-industrial sector, Peskov said that “the issue will be worked”, and not the fact that the scheme of cooperation will be.

The scheme supplies so-called unmanufactured raw material, which says Sands, involves supply of raw materials to the factory for further processing. In this case, the supplier does not lose ownership of their products.

Introduction of Russian authorities embargo on products from Europe eliminates import to the Russian territory of agricultural products, raw materials and food.

The theme of the embargo to supply the Greek fruits discussed at the meeting, Deputy Minister for Agricultural Development of Greece Panagiotis Sguridisa representative Rosselkhoznadzor Alexey Alekseenko. Sguridis offered to lift the embargo on the supply of peaches, strawberries and oranges. According to the Greek edition, Alexeenko promised to send the appropriate message to the Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev. In this case, the Russian official said that a lot will depend on whether the EU will introduce new sanctions against Russia. Following the meeting, called the probability Sguridis embargo on two or three types of Greek products’ high ».

At the end of February, Deputy Prime Minister Arkady Dvorkovich said that Moscow has no plans to cancel the embargo on products from Western countries.

The list of prohibited for import into Russia of products was released August 7, 2014. The prohibition also included products from the US, EU, Canada, Australia and Norway. In accordance with the government prohibited to be imported cattle meat, pork, poultry, meat, salted, dried or smoked fish and crustaceans, molluscs. Restrictions also touched upon the milk and milk products, cheese, cottage cheese, based on vegetable fats, sausages and similar products of meat, vegetables, root crops, fruits and nuts. The embargo was introduced for a period of one year.


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