Thursday, March 5, 2015

Russian students complain about the delay scholarships – BBC Russian

  • March 5, 2015


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In the Higher School of Economics late payment of stipends to explain technical problems

Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev instructed the Deputy Prime Minister Olga Golodets check the situation with the delayed payments scholarships at some universities.

Commissioner for Human Students in Russia Artem Khromov said earlier newspaper” Kommersant “that since the beginning of the year scholarships delays in over 40 Russian universities, including Moscow State University and the HSE. As specified BBC Russian Service in the Ombudsman’s Office, Moscow universities on the list – about 10%.

“There are reports that a number of institutions of higher education do not receive scholarships … You need to check it all . Maybe it is not so, “- Medvedev said on Thursday at a government meeting.

The list of more than 40 university-defaulters, who prepared the Ombudsman, includes, for example, Russian State Social University and Southern Federal University, located in Rostov-on-Don.

Reduced funding?

In the Higher School of Economics confirmed the delay of some scholarships for students of faculties, but promised that by the end of the week everything will be paid.

According to the director of student and alumni Tatiana Oak, is the complexity of “technical character” – due to the fact that at the beginning of the year the university moved to a new procedure for calculating the scholarships.

In addition, as stated in high school, budget money for academic and social scholarships to university has not yet received, although a spokesman for Deputy Prime Minister Olga Golodets Alexei Levchenko said “Kommersant” that the budget has already allocated the necessary funds for 2015. The Ministry of Education and Science has confirmed that it happened back in January.

However, the rector of the Higher School of Economics Yaroslav Kuzmin said that the government has reduced by 10% funds for scholarships for “six” leading universities that are funded not through the Ministry of Education, but directly. Thus, the difference these institutions, including the HSE and MSU will cover at their own expense.

The press service of the Moscow State University named after Lomonosov said that the scholarship students are paid on time and in strict accordance with the law.

delays in the payment of increased scholarships for students who aspire to them c taking into account advances in the study, and no claim at Moscow State University.

Ministry of Education promises to conduct its own review of appeals of students complaining about the delay scholarships .

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Position Ombudsman for students in Russia was introduced in 2014 – according to the results of online voting he became head of the Russian Union of Students Artyom Khromov

Without social benefits

According to the Ombudsman Artyom Khromov, the end of February revealed that in some universities scholarships do not pay for two months. Delay including social grants.

“For recipients, especially in regional universities, the payment is of the utmost importance: the students actually live on this money, other sources of income they have,” – said chromium.

Social scholarship students are assigned to orphaned or left without parental care, disabled groups I and II and disabled children, the victims of the Chernobyl accident and other radiological disasters, as well as students, veterans of combat operations.

In addition, social scholarships can be assigned to students from low-income families and families of single-parent families or have parents with disabilities, and students to create a family – especially in the presence of children.

The size of social scholarships for students metropolitan universities to date is 2010 rubles (at current exchange rate is a little more than 30 dollars) a month. Academic Scholarship, given to all students who are studying for the budget bill for full-time students – 1340 rubles a month.

“Promptly it was revealed that the department [Ministry of Education] not guilty this year to delay payments to students because it is timely transferred funds to universities, but at the moment passes inspection, “- said Khromov newspaper” Kommersant “.

After the mass complaints Russian students on scholarships delay in February last year, Education Minister Dmitry Livanov fired head of the Department of the budget process, accounting and reporting by Alexander Volodin.


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