Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Russia will weaken the embargo for the Allies – BBC

In Russia, discussing the possibility of a partial easing of the food embargo against Greece and Hungary, found themselves on the outskirts of the European Union. Russian political aims, seeking to split the mood in Europe, experts state. However, to introduce an exception for kontrsanktsy may be more difficult than discard them completely for all countries.

In early March, is the second EU country – Greece – has asked Russia to partially remove or loosen the grocery embargo. At a meeting with a representative of the Ministry of Agriculture Alexei Alekseenko Greek Deputy Minister of Agricultural Development Panagiotis Sguridis read request to lift the embargo on the supply of oranges, strawberries and peaches.

In Greece, there is a problem with the products that are out there want to allow to be imported, Russia interested in supplying the same goods, so the solution can be mutually beneficial, says Alekseenko.

«Greece appealed to us with a problem – he said” Gazeta.ru “. – Sanctions hit on Greek producers is very tough, but not quite deservedly, as the Greeks did not speak for sanctions ».

Greece really stood for sanctions against Russia last year, although the opinion of an outsider Eurozone not heeded. The situation in Greece has now become even more precarious: the country is endless negotiations with creditors on restructuring numerous loans.

The Greeks are not alone in their separate negotiations on a possible revision of the sanctions. Earlier, a similar request during the visit of Russian President Vladimir Putin appealed to Hungary and the members of this is not the richest country in Europe, which is also very heavily dependent on Russian gas supplies.

According to the Federal Customs Service, in 2014 in the category “Edible fruit and nuts” Russia imported from Greece 90.6 thousand. Tons of products worth nearly $ 150 million from Hungary – 8.5 thousand. tons of products worth nearly $ 12 million. At the same time for the whole of 2013 Greece was imported 126 thousand. tons of fruits and nuts for $ 210 million, from Hungary – 5.7 thousand. tons for $ 7.8 million.

The ability to request the approval of Greece announced a spokesman for the Russian president, Dmitry Peskov. According to him, Russia may allow the import of agricultural raw materials, subject to the investment of foreign companies in the creation of its processing capacity.

However, for the partial lifting of the embargo of food necessary to find a solution that will not do “Country exception,” said Economic Development Minister Alexei Ulyukayev.

How said head of department, now Russia is looking for ways to reduce food embargo for Hungary and Greece, “not contrary to WTO rules.” “Unfortunately, the issue of entry or the lifting of sanctions is within the competence of supranational bodies” – reminded Ulyukayev.

The question of the embargo actually falls within the competence of supranational bodies, said “Gazeta.ru” partner practice of customs law and foreign trade Goltsblat BLP Vladimir Chikin.

Prohibitions and permission to import goods to Russia really are the responsibility of the Eurasian Economic Union, indicates lawyer. “There is a procedure for the imposition of unilateral measures of any country: a state may impose measures on their own, subject to notification and coordination of joint activities with other participating countries, – he explains. – However, the food embargo Russia did not coordinate, formal notification from Russia in the Eurasian Economic Commission have been reported. Formal procedure agree on a common position with Belarus and Kazakhstan had not been followed. ”

Therefore, the need to discuss a partial lifting of sanctions from the WTO or the states – members of the EAEC after the introduction of uncoordinated food embargo does not look quite understandable, said the lawyer.

In addition, introduced in August, food embargo was introduced on the basis of national security requirements, that is, without complying with the procedures of the World Trade Organization. “The main objective of the WTO – to ensure freedom of trade and non-discriminatory approach, so within the organization, country exceptions are illegal,” – explains the lawyer . At the same time last year food sanctions for a number of countries have already created a disparity in foreign trade, and the partial lifting of sanctions will not be able to eliminate it.

«All countries with the same status, should be granted the same terms of trade – indicates Chikin. – The European Union enjoys most favored, so according to the rules of the WTO exceptions for Greece and Hungary, which are part of the EU, should not be ».

On the question of the partial lifting of sanctions Moscow pursues not so much economic as political objectives, the vice-president of the Center for Political Technologies, Alexei Makarkin. According to the analyst, Russia wants to “split” the European Union. The association, he says, there are several countries, for whatever reasons, occupying Moscow. For example, recently in Russia on a visit fro Prime Minister of Cyprus, Putin visited Hungary, Greece came to power to the people who are critical of EU policy resembles Makarkin. “These countries are considered as potential partners in Russia, which can slow down the adoption of new sanctions, – he said. – In exchange they can get any preferential treatment. ”

However, as suggested by the analyst, easing sanctions against Greece and Hungary in the near future should not be expected. “The concept of the WTO – is the prohibition of discrimination. In the case of the food embargo can be rephrased if to punish it all, without exception, – says Makarkin. – Sanctions, of course, does not correspond to the spirit of the World Trade Organization, but exceptions correspond to him even less. ” According to him,

partial lifting of sanctions will be taken in the European Union even more negative than the response to the embargo itself.

Also, talk about lift the embargo remain effective lever and instrument of pressure in relations between the two countries.


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