Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Russia and Ukraine have agreed to supply gas to the Donbass – Ekho Moskvy radio station

Russia and Ukraine have agreed to supply gas to the Donbass – Ekho Moskvy radio station

In this case, since early February Moscow put in the south-east of Ukraine, about 100 million cubic meters of fuel.

The gas that Moscow supplies in Donetsk and Lugansk self-proclaimed People’s Republic, will not be taken into account when calculating the prepayment “Naftogaz Ukraine “, but will be considered as part of the contract with” Gazprom “. This was told by Energy Minister Alexander Novak. On the day of Donbass consumes 10-12 million cubic meters of gas, the minister said. The parties have not agreed who would pay for the fuel. “The issue of gas supply to certain areas of the Donetsk and Lugansk regions is extremely difficult in the legal, technical and political level,” – said in a joint statement, the deputy head of the European Commission for Energy Union Maroš Šefčovič and EU High Representative for foreign affairs and security policy Federica Mogherini. Official Kiev notes that delivers gas to the Donbas. In Lugansk, refutes this and insist that they are willing to pay for their own gas Moscow, if Ukraine will remove the economic blockade of the region.

As stressed today, Russian Energy Minister Alexander Novak, the supply of gas in the Donbass have to go under a single contract with Ukraine.


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