Monday, March 16, 2015

Public Chamber opposes tax on Internet – Rosbalt.RU

Rosbalt, 17/03/2015 06:44

MOSCOW, March 17. The project is called the tax on Internet protest OS side of the Public Chamber of Russia, according to TASS referring to the chairman of the commission for public control, public examination and interaction with the public councils Lydia Mikheev.

Social activists believe that the across-the collection of such tax default assumes that all users use the Internet illegal content. This contradicts the constitutional provisions on the free reproduction of content by users for personal purposes.

On the other hand, taxes will create the users the impression that they do not need extra pay for content that may infringe on the rights of specific rights holders.

In December 2014 OP during the preliminary readings have opposed the introduction of a global license.


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Analytics, interviews, reports

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