Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Ministry of Labor: wage arrears in February rose sharply – Russian Dialogue

Most delays in public sector wages.

In the Russian Ministry of Labor announced a sharp increase in
 wage arrears in February. According to the head office of Maxim
 Topilin, in February the increase was 14%. Problems have arisen not only in
 Due to lack of funds from companies, but with delays of money transfers
 from the budgets of all levels. Experts and advocates say
 problems with the timely receipt of wages experienced in
 Specifically, teachers, salesmen, workers and drivers of public
 transport,, writes.

On Wednesday, the Minister of Labor and Social Protection Maxim Topilin announced
 a sharp increase in wage arrears in Russia. He spoke at
 conference in the framework of the Russian Business Week. As of March 1,
 debt had reached almost 2.9 billion rubles., said the minister.

«Growth in February serious enough – 14%” – quoted by Tass agency.

The press service of the Ministry of Labor ” “explained the minister cited data that counts the Federal State Statistics Service.

Someone who does not pay

From the statistics Rosstat shows that the level of total debt for
 salary in Russia in different months over the last year ranged from 1.9 billion
  (In January 2014) to 2.7 mrld rubles. (In June 2014). By January
 this year debt fell to 2 billion rubles., and then sum the beginning
 grow rapidly, approaching in March to around 3 billion rubles.

«The greatest amount of arrears of wages
  due to lack of own funds accounted for Krasnoyarsk region
 (7.8%), St. Petersburg (6.9%), Murmansk region (6.1%), the Republic of
 Crimea (4.8%), Khabarovsk Territory (4.3%), “- said the Federal State Statistics Service.

In addition, in March rose sharply due to debt
 delays in receiving money from the budgets of all levels. This amount
 amounted to 98 million rubles., an increase from the beginning of February by 2.7 times.

In particular problems have arisen with salaries that
 paid from the federal budget – a budget-March Crimea
 Trans-Baikal and Krasnoyarsk territories, as well as the Novgorod region is not
 time salary received a total of 700 thousand. rub.

This sector employees in the production and distribution of electricity, gas and water, as well as professionals in the field of education.

Residents of six subjects of the Russian Federation could not time to get money out of
 regional budgets. “Distinguished” Tver region, Ingushetia, Tuva,
 Trans-Baikal Territory, Kemerovo region and the Crimea.

And the residents of 12 regions of Russia have suffered due to late
 transfer of money from local budgets. This was recorded in
 Tver region, Dagestan, the Republic of Mari El and Udmurtia, Samara
 region, Tuva, Trans-Baikal Territory, the Kemerovo Region, Khabarovsk
 Territory, the Jewish Autonomous Region, as well as in the Crimea and Sevastopol.

As reported by “Russian Conversation”, from May 1, Russian President Vladimir Putin has reduced the salaries of employees of the administration by ten percent.

It is reported by the Kremlin press service.

“To pay from 1 May
 on December 31, 2015 the federal government civilian employee
  Administration of the President of the Russian Federation to pay
 a decrease of 10 percent, “- said in a statement.

It should be noted, as previously reported,
  the decision to cut salaries in the Kremlin administration said Friday
 operational meeting with the permanent members of the Security Council of the Russian Federation
 Russian President Vladimir Putin

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