Monday, March 16, 2015

Media announced at the meeting of Medvedev’s fate funded pension –

Media announced at the meeting of Medvedev's fate funded pension –

Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev will hold on Wednesday, March 18, a meeting with the relevant ministries on the fate of the funded part of pensions. This is the agency “Interfax” and TASS, as well as the newspaper “Vedomosti”, with reference to an informed source.

At the meeting, according to TASS, will in particular discuss the freezing of pension savings in 2016. Press Secretary of the Cabinet Natalia Timakova declined to comment on “Vedomosti” schedule Dmitry Medvedev.

08:05 February 24, 2015

06:10 January 20, 2015

Maxim Topilin

In 2014, the government imposed a moratorium on collecting fees. As a result of the funded part of the pension has been sent to the distribution system. In early August, the government decided to extend the moratorium in 2015.

The social unit of the government (head of the Ministry of Labor Maxim Topilin and Deputy Prime Minister Olga Golodets) previously proposed to abolish entirely funded pension and the pension system to make full solidarity.

March 13 first deputy chairman of the Bank of Russia Sergei Shvetsov did not rule out the abolition of the funded part of the pension, but called this decision is incorrect. Earlier, on February 10, Finance Minister Anton Siluanov said that the government did not consider the possibility of extending the freeze of pension savings.

Prior to this, February 4, Minister of Labor and Social Protection Maxim Topilin said that his office can offer freeze pension savings for 2016. He explained that this will be possible with “difficult budgetary situation».


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