Thursday, March 19, 2015

In GM reported that the remains of Chevrolet and Opel in Russia will sell at discounted prices –

To minimize the production of General Motors in Russia, on the eve unexpectedly announced , that the Russian market will leave completely brand Opel and popular models of Chevrolet, will close a factory in St. -Peterburge stop and contract assembly at GAZ and “Avtotor” will lead to savings on the remains of cars and multi-million dollar losses dealers, writes the Russian press on March 19. The most interesting quotes from newspapers leads website “” .

“Now go very attractive offers with discounts in the remainder of the year. Of course, the most interesting options first, then less and less. All that now the Russians will buy, will be maintained and covered by warranty, we guarantee among other things supply of spare parts for at least 10 years of age. Even the service will operate GM Assistance (free roadside assistance), “- said ” Izvestia “ Director of Public Relations GM Russia and CIS Sergey Lepnuhov.

SsangYong suspended deliveries of cars in Russia

Reason for leaving GM, according Lepnuhova is associated with a low level of localization, because of which the company could not not to raise the price of the final product with high foreign exchange component.

The American manufacturer will now sell in Russia only imported cars, seriously changing lineup. It will only premium cars – the entire line plus Cadillac Chevrolet Tahoe, Camaro and Corvette.

“Kommersant” notes that GM restructuring costs will amount to about $ 600 million – is the cost of “transformation” dealer network, cancel the contract, dismissal of employees and sell waste discounts.

reduction of workers (about 1 thousand. People) offers seven months’ salary, but it is obvious that the layoffs around conflicts may arise: Federation of Independent Trade Unions have demanded yesterday to increase the compensation package of 18 salaries. GM also have to bear the annual cost of maintaining the conserved plant (land area of ​​94 hectares and 104.2 thousand sq. M. M of industrial premises): security, taxes and utilities.

Car dealers blamed GM’s “disrespect”

According to the Association “Russian dealers” (ROAD), Russia now operates 138 dealerships Opel and 156 Chevrolet . According to the “AUTOSTAT” – 150 and 160 points respectively. That is, can close the order of 150-160 service centers, writes RBC .

Dealers learned of the decision only GM yesterday. President Vladimir ROAD Mozhenkov said “Vedomosti” , we believe the decision GM “disrespect” to both dealers and consumers. Mozhenkov indicates that GM dealers in Russia have invested billions of rubles. A fleet of GM vehicles in Russia is about 1 million. Concern offer re-sign service contracts, dealers will be able to maintain the warranty, commercial director knows “Auto world” (sells Opel, Chevrolet and Cadillac) Vitaly Groshenkov. Without new car sales centers not last long, I’m sure Mozhenkov. The issue of compensation with each dealer will be discussed separately, says Groshenkov.

The vacated area can convert to other brands, cars with mileage, or go to the multi-format. In addition, dealers will continue to engage in service contracts, “this is a good business,” say experts interviewed by RBC.

“Demonstration care” on the background of the collapse of sales

Several interlocutors “Kommersant” in the market believe that the sharp step GM is “politically motivated, which is covered by the economy.” Rumors about the closing of GM plant in St. Petersburg for political reasons appeared in the autumn, regional officials were waiting for “a demonstration of care.” Other major automakers say they have no plans to leave the country, but GM denied such plans until recently, the newspaper said.

Meanwhile, GM’s sales in Russia in 2014 fell by 26.4% to 189.5 ths. cars, market share decreased by 1.7 percentage points to 7.6%. Opel sales decreased by 20.2%, to 65 thousand. Cars, Chevrolet – by 29.5% to 123.2 thousand. Machines, Cadillac – 12.5% to 1.3 thousand. machines. In January-February sales fell 74.6% to 8.4 thousand. Cars, market share dropped to 3.4%. Opel sales fell by 81.8% to 2 thousand. Cars, Chevrolet – by 71.2%, to 6.3 thousand. Cars, Cadillac – by 59.3%, up to 72 cars.


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