Thursday, March 5, 2015

Alexei Kudrin retired – Kommersant

Industry private pension funds in the process of regulatory changes, acquires all the attributes of the public segment of the financial market. For the first time decided to invite NPF financier named to the post of head of the public. Yesterday, former Finance Minister Alexei Kudrin headed the Board of Directors of NPF “Welfare OPS”, the investment company controlled by Boris Mints O1 Group.

The fact that the board of directors of non-state pension fund “Welfare OPS” (fourth in terms of assets) headed by former Finance Minister Alexei Kudrin, yesterday’s press service reported O1 Group (a wholly-owned shareholder fund). “I am pleased to lead the board of directors of NPF” Welfare ops, “which, as part of the pension business O1 Group, has all the prerequisites to become the largest fund in the country to manage pension savings. But the most important – is to create a reliable system of people’s savings and ensure a decent pension” – commented on his appointment, Mr. Kudrin.

NPF “Welfare OPS” works with pension savings of 1.8 million citizens. Total funds under management of the fund more than 116 billion rubles. Ranked fourth in terms of assets among the NPF. Formed in 2014 through the allocation of NPF “Welfare”, corporate fund Railways. In December last year, 100% of the fund shares acquired O1 Group. Is a member of guaranteeing savings.

The arrival of Mr. Kudrin to public office in the NPF is quite logical as part of the output of the pension market to a new stage of development. Private pension funds that were formerly opaque structures in the pension reform and changes in the regulation of this market are forced to go public, to disclose the beneficiaries to join the guarantee system in the future – to take the statements according to international standards. In such circumstances, the funds are needed people with the name of the boards of directors – for public policy, communication with investors and so on. D. “The appearance of such a professional level in the management of NPF” Welfare OPS “will promote quality development fund and strengthen its position in the market “- believes chairman O1 Group Boris Mints. “If we O1 Group bought such a fund, then the need for submission prominent figure – says CEO of consulting company&# 8221; pension partner “Sergei Okolesnov.- Among other things, it is also a step fashion, designed for employees of Russian Railways. Many of them are customers of the Fund and the transition to new structures NPF for them might come as a surprise. And the fact that the fund will be of Alexei Kudrin, should be a signal of serious intent O1 Group “.

Stage invitations known financiers to public office held at the time and the forex market on the path of tighter regulation and greater transparency. In 2013, former deputy finance minister Alexei Savatugin became an independent director of the self-regulatory organization of retail forex brokers “Center of regulation of OTC financial instruments and technologies” (TSRFIN). In addition, one of the largest Forex The Forex Club in July 2012 to invite independent chairman of the board of one of the veterans of the Russian market of collective investments Paul Teplukhina. However, this position Mr. Tepluhin served only to March 2013, later focusing on the main job – they headed Deutsche Bank.

For Alexei Kudrin invitation to the board of directors of a financial company is also not a surprise. Since June last year, he led the Supervisory Board of the Moscow Exchange.

pension market participants are hoping that the new appointment Alexei Kudrin will play a positive role not only for the NPF “Welfare OPS.” “Mr. Kudrin all the years of pension reform advocated the need to maintain the funded component of the pension, so that his appointment gives us some hope,” – says adviser to the president of the National Association of private pension funds Valery Vinogradov. “Mr Kudrin – a symbolic figure for our government, and it is constantly maintained and supported the market of private pension funds,” – the director of the firm “KIT Finance” Anton spire.

Maria Yakovleva


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