Monday, September 8, 2014

Sanctions suspended – BBC

Sanctions suspended – BBC

The European Union on Monday finally agreed extension of sectoral sanctions against Russia. The guidelines of the EU said it would publish a new list in the near future, but recognized that they are willing to reconsider its decision at any time. The new sanctions list may be the largest oil companies, as well as state-owned banks.

The European Union on Monday finally agreed extension of sectoral sanctions against Russia. This was on Tuesday night, said European Council President Herman Van Rompuy.

«The sanctions are aimed at facilitating the change of course in Russia’s actions to destabilize eastern Ukraine and go to the development of the European Council decision of August 30,” – said Van Rompuy.

However, the EU still be possible to abandon new sanctions against Russia, said the chairman of the European Council.

«Effective sanctions by the publication in the Official Journal of the European Union will be held in the coming days. This will leave time for the evaluation of the implementation of the ceasefire agreement and the peace plan. Depending on the situation on the ground, the EU is ready to reconsider the sanctions agreed in whole or in part “, – said Van Rompuy.

Until recently, it was not clear whether today the European Council to agree on a new round of sanctions. By Monday evening, it was reported that some EU member states refuse to vote for the new against Russia.

One of the possible “rebels”, blocked the procedure for the adoption of new EU sanctions could be Finland. With this version was made by the British newspaper reporter The Financial Times Peter Spiegel, citing a source in the EU.

«Objection by Finland to the adoption of EU sanctions against Russia was not expressed on the merits, rather, to clarify that they may be delayed in continuing the truce,” – said in a statement Spiegel published in Twitter.

In the Brussels recognized that they are willing to back down and do not introduce new restrictions against Russian companies.

«The idea is to have at our disposal a kind of sword of Damocles, which can be applied if the situation deteriorated again”, – explained the logic of adopting a new package of sanctions, a diplomatic source EU French newspaper Le Monde.

The position of the official confirmed on Monday after a meeting of the European Council and President Van Rompuy. “Depending on the situation on the ground, the EU is ready to reconsider the sanctions agreed in whole or in part”, – he said.

The Russian Foreign Ministry has already warned that prepares responses at the same time offering the EU “do support economic recovery and restore livelihoods Donbass region».

Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev promised to respond “asymmetrically”. “If there are sanctions related to energy, further restrictions to our financial sector, we have to respond asymmetrically” – Medvedev said in an interview with the newspaper “Vedomosti”. In particular, it does not exclude the possibility of a ban on flights in the airspace of Russia.

Hitting the national heritage

While the management of the EU has not announced the list of Russian companies which will apply new sanctions – it has to happen in the next few days by publication in the Official Journal of the EU.

However, the authoritative Western media have managed to learn the basic direction of impact. Thus, according to the American newspaper The Wall Street Journal in the EU sanctions list will include three oil companies: “Gazprom Neft”, “Transneft” and “Rosneft”. They shut down access to loans for more than 30 days.

Solved writes WSJ, prohibit exports to Russia of certain technologies in the field of oil.

European oilfield services companies can not be allowed to work on the shelf in the Arctic and shale oil. This may affect companies such as France’s Technip, Italian Saipem, British Petrofac.

In the same way, from 90 to 30 days, reduce the possible timing of borrowing for five state-owned banks. WSJ calls only VTB and Sberbank. Defense complex in the sanctions list represented “Oboronprom” United Aircraft Corporation and Uralvagonzavod. They also want to cut access to funding. And companies such as “Sirius”, “Kalashnikov” and “Stankoinstrument”, banned exports to the EU.

Get comments Russian companies from the sanctions list promptly failed. “Rosneft” failed to promptly provide comment, “Gazprom Neft” in the query is not answered, and the representative of “Transneft” was unavailable.

Earlier in “Rosneft” stated that no comment on rumors of possible sanctions and their impact on the company’s business.

First of all it concerns the “Rosneft”, as it has a need for long-term financing. And the need to refinance before the end of 2015 with “Rosneft” is about $ 27 billion (about 1 trillion rubles.) – Said a senior analyst at the oil and gas sector, Alfa-Bank Alexander Kornilov. – Anyway, it will be important for “Gazprom oil” because loans are necessary to maintain the operational business of the company. Until the end of 2015, “Gazprom oil” you will need to refinance about $ 1.5 billion. The company had plans to increase the debt in connection with investment. But the latest, it is likely to be postponed, which will reduce the need for additional funding. “Transneft” to refinance debt may take up to $ 3 billion by the end of 2015 ».

In the” Rosneft “, this point is also not comment.

According to information from the company website, in 2015, “Rosneft” should pay off debts only 626 billion rubles. (About $ 16.95 billion at the exchange rate on Monday). In 2016 and 2017 the company will have to repay 285 billion and 280 billion rubles. respectively. And 2018 will be the first peak – “Rosneft” will have to pay 849 billion rubles. (About $ 23 billion) of debt.

The financial sector reducing loan term from 90 to 30 days is unlikely to be critical. “Apparently, this measure is designed for psychological effect,” – says the head of analytical department of BKF Maxim Osadchiy. – The position of organizations from the Russian financial sector abroad already quite heavy, so it is difficult to seriously degrade ».


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