Tuesday, September 9, 2014

“McDonald’s” Up from the menu salads “Vegetable” and “Caesar” because of sanctions – RBC

"McDonald's" Up from the menu salads "Vegetable" and "Caesar" because of sanctions – RBC

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«McDonald’s” Up from the menu Russian restaurants vegetable salads. This was in the company told the news agency ITAR-TASS.

From the permanent menu cleaned salads “Vegetable” and “Caesar”. According to the press-service restaurant chain Oksana Belychook, this is due to the restriction on the import of foreign agricultural products. Because of this, one of the suppliers of “McDonalds”, the company “Belaya Dacha”, reviewing the supply chain of raw materials.

«Now quality salad products that do not meet that suits us and our suppliers, and we have decided to bring salads from the menu until you find an alternative,” – said Belychook. She added that the exclusion of salads from the menu is not associated with inspections Rospotrebnadzora.

their products in the supply chain of restaurants, more than 160 Russian enterprises. “Belaya Dacha” is one of them. As told RBC founder and chairman of the Supervisory Board of “Belaya Dacha” Viktor Semyonov, cooperation with “McDonalds” played a key role in the development of the company and allowed to go to the international standards of food production.

«McDonald’s” works as a motivator development of our production. In the next five years, they plan to double the network. Focusing on them, we’re going to build plants in Rostov, St. Petersburg and Novosibirsk, “- said Viktor Semyonov RBC.

In early June, a group of” Belaya Dacha “was going to build a greenhouse complex in Kislovodsk to reduce dependence on imports salads in winter, the newspaper “Vedomosti”. General Director of “Belaya Dacha Trading” Anton Semenov said the newspaper that the company now grows in the open field salads from spring to autumn and winter imports them from Italy and Spain. The first harvest in the company were going to take off in the spring of 2016.

At the end of July, the company “Belaya Dacha” suspended its project on potato processing and production of french fries because of the position of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) in connection with the EU sanctions against Russia. This was declared the founder of the company, Chairman of the Supervisory Board Viktor Semyonov. “The project is suspended, although we all was ready for signing documents, it was planned for July,” – he said.

At the beginning of the newspaper “Vedomosti” wrote that “Belaya Dacha” is going to build in Lipetsk plant for the production of french fries for a chain of restaurants, “McDonald’s.” The partners in this project and were European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) and the Dutch manufacturer of potato Farm Frites. “Belaya Dacha” going to supply french fries all Russian institutions “McDonalds».

July 25, it became known that the management of the Novgorod region Rospotrebnadzora filed in the Tver district court in Moscow claim to protect the rights of consumers about the restaurant “McDonald’s . ” This was reported in the card case to the Court’s website. Case №2-4636 / 2014 was received by the Court of 3 July 2014, its content has not been reported.

However, the same day the head of Rospotrebnadzor, chief sanitary doctor of Russia Anna Popova said that authorities have a complaint product quality and safety throughout the chain of restaurants, “McDonald’s.” “Violations, which cast doubt on the quality and safety of food products throughout the network McDonald’s” – she stated.

August 20 after inspections Rospotrebnadzor in Moscow closed the oldest restaurant “McDonald’s” in Russia’s Pushkin Square in Moscow . The report notes that the supervisory and control activities are carried out with the sampling of raw materials, food and swabs from the objects of the environment. As a result, says the agency, revealed numerous violations of the sanitary legislation. Audit materials will be sent to the judicial authorities.

Specialists Rospotrebnadzora instituted administrative proceedings under several articles of the Administrative Code: Article 6.6 – a violation of sanitary and epidemiological requirements to cater for the population, Article 8.2 – failure to comply with environmental and sanitary requirements for waste management of production and consumption, substances that deplete the ozone layer, or other hazardous substances, and Part 1 of Article 14.43 – violation of the manufacturer, executor, seller or person executing functions of the foreign manufacturer, the requirements of technical regulations.

Later, the restaurant was closed for three months by the court .

The next day, the newspaper “Kommersant” with reference to a federal official said that the inspections of restaurants are on behalf of the government. Then began checking “McDonald’s” across the country.

Gregory Naberezhnye

McDonald’s in Russia: How is the company’s business

September 9, 2014



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