Russian Authors’ Society (RAO) wants to receive 5% of each ticket sold for the World Cup in 2018. Told “” a source close to the organizing committee. As he explained, the commission of RAO demands on the grounds that in the course of the stadiums of the competition will be played various musical compositions.
The RAO confirmed that currently are relevant negotiations.
«World Cup Organizing Committee -2018 and RAO expressed readiness to discuss the issue of payment of remuneration for work, which will be used during the world Cup in 2018. Subject decisions on this subject yet, the problem is solved in working order “, -. Said Advisor to the CEO of RAO Ivan Kim
It should be noted that, according to preliminary company estimates Swiss Appraisal , total revenue from the sale of tickets for the world Cup in Russia will amount to $ 782 million in the 64 matches of the championship. That is, in the case of a positive decision of RAO will gain nearly $ 40 million.
As the Ombudsman said on intellectual property Vyacheslav Semenov, 5% – the usual fee of RAO. “They are always working on the standard scheme and ask them to pay including the organizers of sporting events. They have demanded money from the “Ice Show”, as there were performances on the ice to the music. They also sued the Russian Football Premier League for the music, which sounds in the beginning of the match, “- says Semenov
In fact in 2009, RAO require contributions from the Premier League for the traditional executable before the match” Football march. “which was written by a Soviet composer Matvei Blanter in 1938. Premier League refused to pay, the case as a result has received considerable attention. The upshot was that the composer heiress Tatiana Brody said it did not give authority to manage this waste product. This conflict ended – Blanter work can be heard in the stands for free
Interviewees “Gazetoy.Ru” experts agree that at this time, RAO will receive its share from the sale of tickets. .
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«I think that RAO will be able to insist on his own, they actively defend their interests, and usually succeed. Another thing is that such arrangements are usually behind closed doors. About them prefer not to spread, the public will know only when an agreement was not reached and the case is decided in court, “- says Semenov
Sergey Zuikov, CEO of law firm” Zuikov and partners “, also believes. . that RAO will be able to get their 5%
«There are two options: either all the stadiums will conclude a contract with each right holder, whose music plan to raise or conclude a contract with RAO. Most likely, will go down a path that is easier, that is limited to the contract with the waste, “- he says
In FIFA could not provide you with comments on the subject.. However, as explained Zuikov, if an agreement to come will not be possible, RW probably will plead not with the FIFA, and on the Russian stadiums.
«With an international organization rather difficult to argue, but waste can attract a defendant stadiums. So if there is a decision not to pay, the Russian stadiums should think in advance its line of defense “, -. Advises Zuikov
According to him, it is unlikely the 2018 World Cup organizing committee decides to use administrative resources, to put pressure on the waste.
«I doubt that will decide in preparation for the world Cup to use administrative resources, to break someone else’s copyright. The easiest way to pay. World Cup – a huge event, everyone wants to get their profits, including rightholders. Why deprive them of a piece of bread? “- Says Zuikov
In 2015, RAO managed to collect 4.6 billion rubles.. For three years (2013-2015) more than 10 billion rubles were paid to authors. Now waste money paying the majority of Russian theaters, philharmonic, circus, almost all the major cinema chains, catering, the largest retail chains, 90% of the country’s TV and radio. However, the basic recognition the company received no thanks to a successful business, but due to the lawsuits, which were perceived as curiosities.
So, in 2008, waste has obliged the organizers of Deep Purple concert to pay compensation for copyright infringement group Deep Purple, whose songs sounded at the concert. Despite the apparent absurdity of the claim, from a legal point of view the law and RAO managed to win the court, which has decided to pay 457,500 rubles. This is not the only such case. The same claim RAO impose, for example, organizers of a concert by Elton John in the Moscow club “Barvikha Luxury Village» and the organizer of the concert band “Time Machine” in Tatarstan.

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