Early this morning the alarm troops of the Southern Military District were raised. By order of the Supreme Commander of the sudden started checking readiness. To a place of execution of tasks will transfer and separate connections Airborne, who will work with the landing of airplanes and helicopters, military transport aircraft. This was announced at a meeting of the Defense Ministry in Moscow.
Today, early in the morning the alarm troops of the Southern Military District were raised. By order of the Supreme Commander of the sudden started checking readiness. To a place of execution of tasks will transfer and separate connections Airborne, who will work with the landing of airplanes and helicopters, military transport aircraft. This was announced at a meeting of the Defense Ministry in Moscow.
The full combat readiness. Alarm raised formations and military units throughout the territory of the Southern Military District. Unannounced inspections began at 5 am Moscow time at the decision of the Supreme Commander. In large-scale maneuvers involving all types of troops.
“The review is required to assess the readiness of the Southern Military District to respond to crises of various kinds. It is necessary to work out the whole range of problems solved by the control and command bodies, including combating terrorist threats, elimination of consequences of natural and man-made disasters Rate maneuverability of compounds during the march to create groups of troops, “-. According to Sergei Shoigu
The personnel and equipment have already moved to designated areas in the combat. tasks. According to the tradition of recent years, the troops being moved to unfamiliar grounds, to act not according to the pattern, and practiced non-standard situations. A readiness is tested in all areas. Planes and helicopters transport aircraft will be used in the landing. Aviation and air defense forces – in verifying the readiness to reflect the air strikes and protection of important military and government installations. His task in the Black Sea Fleet and the Caspian Flotilla.
“Acting Chief of the Navy Admiral Queen instructed to personally carry out manual checking of forces and troops of the Black Sea Fleet and the Caspian Flotilla and organize the implementation of practical problems in the areas of naval exercises. Commander air space forces Colonel General Bondarev carry out manual checking of the 4th army air force and air defense, control mining issues relocation aviation, reflection and application of massive air strikes. Prepare sites for the implementation of aviation practice bombing, to assess learners on the results of combat training missions during the exercise “, – said Sergey Shoigu
The maneuvers involved and the forces of the Central military District.. This control system, checking that pay special attention to. In particular, it will be deployed field control stations. The large-scale test, which will evaluate the actions of each soldier to be completed next operational and tactical exercises, which can begin at the end of the week.
On behalf of Sergei Shoigu, the sudden diligence combat readiness will be informed foreign military attaches.
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