Friday, February 19, 2016

Tatyana Golikova: If institutions do not spend the money allocated to them, we will take them back to the budget – First Canal

Vladimir Putin today met with the head of the Audit Chamber. Tatyana Golikova reported to the President on the implementation of the budget for the previous year. They also discussed and the effectiveness of public spending.

Vladimir Putin today met with the head of the Audit Chamber. Tatyana Golikova reported to the President on the implementation of the budget for the previous year. They also discussed and the effectiveness of public spending.

Golikova, in particular, criticized the regions of incomplete spending. The President inquired in detail about other financial options.

“With the implementation of the budget’s start”, – said the President

“Despite all the difficulties, the budget revenues executed in the amount of 13.6 trillion rubles and exceeded by 3.1% the plans. which was originally laid amended. Just dropped in our reserve fund, they amounted to 3.2 trillion rubles as of January 1. This was due to the fact that we sent the Reserve Fund to cover the budget deficit.

the Foundation Sovereign Wealth increased by 19.1%, and this increase takes into account that it is as at 1 January amounted to 5.2 trillion rubles. it should be noted that we have significantly reduced the amount of foreign debt, it amounted to $ 50 billion and decreased by 4.4 billion . in this way, we will reduce costs, but depending on what kind of strategy we choose the future over the borrowing on the international market.

we budgetary institutions, autonomous budgets have large account balances. we have corrected legislation, and if they failed to comply with state task, that is, did not provide a service, and therefore did not use the money, then we’ll take them to the federal budget for the purpose of replenishing anti-crisis fund. It turns out that here a little, there a little, there a little, but overall, it’s a decent enough amount that, in general, fully related to the topic of efficiency of public expenditure “, – said the head of the Chamber of Accounts

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  •  Head of the Accounts Chamber Tatyana Golikova  said at a meeting with the President on the  results of the fiscal year

    The head of the Accounting Chamber Tatyana Golikova said at a meeting with the President on the results of the fiscal year

  • Head of the Accounts Chamber Tatyana  Golikova said at a meeting with the President on  the results of the fiscal year

    The head of the Accounting Chamber Tatyana Golikova said at a meeting with the President on the results of the fiscal year

  •  Head of the Accounts Chamber Tatyana Golikova  said at a meeting with the President on the  results of the fiscal year

    The head of the Accounting Chamber Tatyana Golikova said at a meeting with the President on the results of the fiscal year

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