Wednesday, April 22, 2015

What will help Russia to defend from Western sanctions – Business Petersburg

In 2014, Dmitry Medvedev said that sanctions have little effect on the economy of the Russian Federation. He now says that the losses of the country from sanctions amounted to 25 billion euros (1.5% of GDP). Browser “DP” Dmitry Novokshonov – that will help Russia to fight back from the West. News, News of St. Petersburg

The main event in Russia was a report yesterday Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev in the State Duma. Prime scare is not a child, “Yes, there were different sanctions: against the Soviet Union and Russia against sanctions … Such waves I counted about ten. By the way, the intensity of the latest wave of sanctions, perhaps the most powerful. But that was formed such a negative multiplier, as economists say, when factors act simultaneously and reinforce each other, that this has never happened before – either in Soviet or post-Soviet period “.

put yourself in one series with the chairmen of the Russian Empire and the Soviet Union on the history of fractures, the rest of the speech Medvedev reassured. As the Chief Researcher Institute of Economics Nikita Krichevsky, “speech had psychotherapeutic effect: avoid the worst enemies we do not overcome”.

But the sediment remained unclear. In the past year on the same report in the State Duma Dmitry Medvedev claimed that sanctions have little effect on the economy of the Russian Federation: “In the current year (2014-2015) we expect GDP growth at the level of economic growth in the EU.” Prime Minister said that the government is ready for any unfriendly steps of the West: “In a statement, we will respond statement on the action – the action, but it will be very balanced”.

The loss of the Russian Federation “unfriendly steps” Medvedev weighed, “according to some experts,” at 25 billion euros, “This is 1.5% of GDP, and in 2015 it can increase several times.” In other words, this year the government is ready to losses last year were ready to unfriendly steps of the West.

Discourage walking from the West negative multiplier will help the government reformed the Academy of Sciences. According to Medvedev, “no apocalyptic predictions about what will happen to the science has not come true. No one was laid off, nobody disperse,” and in addition “to the development of science in Russia has been allocated 375 billion rubles.” From that kind of money even evil multiplier not be good.


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