Tuesday, July 7, 2015

The court allowed the “Magnit” trade embargo came under products – RBC

Photo: Yekaterina Kuzmina / RBC

The Arbitration Court of St. Petersburg and Leningrad region declared trade in products from among fallen under Russian antisanktsii prohibited for import and legitimate, according to RIA Novosti. This is stated in the judgment in the case of JSC “Tander” – the operating company of Russia’s largest retailer “Magnet”. Previously, the company was fined for trade in cheese produced in France. The court ruled that the government only has limited imports of certain types of products, but not banned trafficking.

«Thus, comparing the definition of turnover and import, we can conclude that the Government has provided the restriction on the import of certain products rather than its realization (sale). It follows that the restriction in turnover (sales) of dairy products, including cheese, is not enshrined in law, that is, there is no corpus delicti (the objective side), “- says the decision, published on the website of the court.

Court declared unlawful and quashed the decision of the territorial bodies of Rospotrebnadzor, which drew up a protocol on administrative offense and fined the company 30 thousand. rub.

A Year Without Food: what products the Russians will not see on the shelves of Gallery    The ban on the supply of certain types of food and agricultural products from countries that joined the sanctions against Russia, at least a year will leave the Russians without a number of products that replace domestic analogues or products from Latin America will be quite difficult. In this list, as European delicacies – French oysters and foie gras, Spanish ham and prosciutto italyaskoe and simple but familiar products – for example, familiar from Soviet times Finnish cheese “Viola”, which is produced exclusively from the Finnish milk.
 In total in 2013 Russia imported food products worth $ 43 billion (data Sberbank CIV). Of this amount of goods, trapped under the sanctions, it accounted for about 20% ($ 8.4 billion), according to RBC calculations made on the basis of the FCS. Read more here
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The embargo on the supply of certain types of products from countries that joined sanctions against Russia, was introduced after the decree of President Vladimir Putin on August 6, 2014. In June 2015 the Kremlin issued a decree “On the extension of the special economic measures in order to ensure the security of the Russian Federation.” It said that the grocery embargo be extended for another year from August 6, 2015.

The decree came two days after the EU foreign ministers extended for six months, until 31 January 2016, economic sanctions Russia. These include restrictions on lending to Russian state-owned banks, defense companies, on the supply of arms and military equipment and dual-use technologies.

The list of prohibited import products added only cheese products. It does not includes any chocolate or confectionery, no flowers, no wine, but before the adoption of the decree were heard proposals to extend the list. Also unchanged was the list of countries subject to the grocery embargo.


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