Tuesday, July 7, 2015

It named the most demanded profession in Russia – TVNZ

In Rostrud told what kind of work in our country is the most popular. At the beginning of July, the most sought after in the Russian builders – the country needs 28.2 thousand to 22.7 thousand masons and concrete workers.

On the second place driver. On this specialty 36.3 thousand vacancies. And closes the top three health sector – doctors, nurses, laboratory technicians.

– Agricultural enterprises need nearly 20,000 growers. In addition, Russian employers are looking for chefs 16.5 thousand and 14.7 thousand merchants – added to the department.

Recall that in April, experts have calculated what the profession in Moscow, the most-sought after. The leaders wipers – 6748 such requests from employers. That is, more than 6 thousand different utility companies are ready tomorrow to hire waving a broom, but is not one. Why is that? The answer is obvious. The average salary – just over 19 thousand rubles.


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